*****Isaac's p.o.v. *****

103 11 3

I was over the moon. I felt whole and in love.

Yeah I’ve done it before, only once to be precise but it didn’t feel how it did with Raine. Our connection was explosive, her touch was seductive. She was my everything last night.

I went straight home after leaving Raine’s.

“hello hello!” mum chirped as I walked into the kitchen.

“Hey mum” I smiled and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

I put my bag down and sat at the kitchen bench. Mum was baking something. “whatcha cookin’?”

“banana bread, without sultanas” She said as she mixed the dough.

“just for me? You shouldn’t have!” I laughed.

She continued to proceed with her mixing. “how was last night?” She asked.
‘yeah great, we sat around, ate some strawberries, listened to some music and then made amazing love..’ My mum honestly wouldn’t care if I did say that to her. She’d probably congratulate me as a matter of fact.

“It was nice, we relaxed, listened to some music and continued on our English homework” I said calmly as possible. I wasn’t lying too much was I?

“lovely, you should invite Raine around for dinner some time. She seems like a beautiful girl” Mum replied with a little grin.

“Yeah” I smiled.

I left the kitchen and went to my room.

I sat on my bed, thoughts span through my head. I was falling in love, there’s no doubt about it. I know we haven’t really known each other for very long but it feels like I’ve known her for years.

 I can’t help but want to be with her, to keep her close and to make her mine. I’m not going to propose to her, it’s quite a bit early for that. But I want to show her how I feel.

After helping mum clean up after her baking and being rewarded with a slice of warm banana bread with butter, I decided to go to town in search for a gift for Raine.

I took dads car and made my way to town and quietly hummed/sang along to Pearl Jam.

What do I get her? Another vinyl? Flowers? Jewellery?.. It’s a hard decision. I have never bought a present like this for anyone before.

I got to town and parked along the main street. It was already 3:45, I don’t know where the time has gone.

I looked through the stores in search for the perfect gift. I thought flowers and chocolate were pretty common so they were out of the question.

I went into the music store where I bought her first vinyl. I searched through the vinyls but couldn’t figure out which one she would like.

I found gift cards at the service desk and purchased one, It was worth $50.

I left the store and walked through the mall back to my car.

I was passing a jewellery store and glanced at the window display, something caught my eye.

There was a ring, it was small and silver with a tiny red diamond heart. It was marked for sale from $95 down to $45.

I don’t know her ring size but it looked like a perfect fit.

I went into the store.

“May I help you?” Asked a jolly fat man behind the counter. He looked and sounded like santa.

“uh yeah.. Can I please look at the ring in the front window. Its silver with a red heart, marked $45” I asked nervously.

“most certainly” He said before wobbling his way over to the window.

He came back with the ring, “for a special lady?” He asked with a raised eyebrow.

“You could say that” I smirked as I inspected the ring. It looked perfect.

“do you know her size?” The man asked kindly.

“I’m not  100 percent sure but it looks like a close fit” I said as I placed it back on the counter.

“You could always buy a chain to go with it, she could wear it as a necklace if it doesn’t fit” The jolly man suggested.

“Yeah, actually that’s a great idea” I smiled.

He led over to the chains and I picked out a fine silver one. I bought the ring and chain and the man placed them in a free gift bag.

It was now 4:20.

I was incredibly happy with my purchases.

I drove home, this time with no music. I started to get nervous.

What is she doesn’t feel the same way? Will I look like a fool?

I entered my street, an ambulance rushed by.

“shit” I muttered, I saw Dad and Dean standing out the front. My guts dropped.

I stopped the car and got out and ran to their side.

“What? Is mum okay? What happened?” I started to panic.

“It’s not mum. It’s uh.. Raine” Dean said. His face was covered in fresh tears.

“What?” I heard myself say in disbelief.

“We tried calling you, she got here about ten minutes ago. Your phone was off and she…” Dad trailed off. 

My eyes filled with tears, I looked around in shock. I noticed the door. There was blood smeared across it.

I raced back to the car.

“Isaac stop!” Dad yelled.

I felt an arm grab hold of me.

“I need to see her, let me go!” I protested.

“Isaac, you’re not driving in this condition.” Dad argued.

I collapsed into the passenger’s seat. Tears streamed down my face.

“I’m taking him to the hospital. Can you please stay here and you know.. clean up?” Dad said to Dean, Clean up as in the blood smeared front door.

I presume Dean just nodded and left. I didn’t hear him reply.

Dad shut my door and hopped into the driver’s seat.

We drove down the street. There were people standing outside their houses, watching the drama.

A pounding headache arose. I shut my eyes and buried my head into my arms.

Everything went numb.

**hope you guys like the new picture I drew for the story :D**

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