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Last night was good, town isn’t really much fun to me unless there is good music and great company. At least I was in luck and had both.
My chest is a little bruised where that asshole punched me. I wish had I never left Raine’s side, I feel as if it’s all my fault that she had to encounter that creep. I need to apologise but I don’t want to annoy her with a million text messages.
I put my phone in my pocket and headed out to the kitchen to grab dads car keys.
“Where do you think you’re going?” I heard a voice. I swung around to find my brother Dean standing at the doorway. “Shit man you scared me.” I said as I took the keys and grabbed my bag. “I’m going to the music store, want to come?” I ask Dean.
“yeah sure, some male bonding with my little bro would be good” he said with a smile as he put on a jacket.
We left the house, I drove. “I’m surprised dad lets you drive this thing” Dean said, regarding the Monaro. “yeah well, I actually keep my eyes on the road and am aware of my surroundings when driving unlike you!” I said with a laugh. “meh, true” Dean replied.
“So have fun on the town last night?” He asked as he flicked through the radio stations. “Yeah it wasn’t too bad, there were plenty of buff tools around which is normal but the music wasn’t too bad.” I reply.
“The music would’ve been great, it’s just that papa Isaac here has no good taste in music!” He said as he punched me in the arm. “ow prick!” I said back with a laugh.
We arrived at the music store. “so why are we here exactly?” Dean asked as we walked into the store. He always asks frustrating questions.
“Just something to do. See if I can find any treasure here today.” I reply as I walk straight over to the vinyls. I lied to him. There was only one reason as to why I was here and that was to find a gift for Raine to apologise for leaving her at the bar last night. Like I needed to let Dean know. No way thank you!
I flicked through the vinyls. “ACDC, Bowie, The Who, nope, nope, nope” I quietly said to myself. “Ah here we are, Guns n Roses Greatest Hits. There’s no doubt that she’ll have this on cd but maybe not vinyl, well hopefully not vinyl. I put it aside and  continue to flick through the vinyls until I came across Van Halens first album. Great, a present for myself.
I go up to the checkout and buy them. I look around the store for Dean and see him chatting up some girl near the door. “Let’s go” I say as I punch him in the arm and continue to walk out the door with a laugh.
“Dude that was not cool” Dean says as he walks out rubbing his arm.
We get back in the car to head home, “what did you buy?” He says as he grabs my bag and susses out the vinyls. “don’t you already have this on CD?” he asks as he holds the GnR record up. “yeah” I paused, “it’s not for me anyway” I continue to say, that was a bad choice. “who for then?” Dean asks as he put it away.
I ignore his question. “a mate?” he asks, I still don’t reply. “A girl!?” he shouts excitedly. “it is isn’t it!” he asks with a big grin and nudges me with his elbow.
“Maybe.” I reply as I concentrate on the road. “Tell me about her, what’s her name, Is she hot?” He lists off a numerous amount of questions. Argh, why did I have to say anything!
“Her name is Raine, She’s in my English class and I went to town with her last night.” I reply as we eventually pull into the driveway at home. “Is she hot?” Dean asks again, “Yes, she’s very good looking. Now can you please stop with the questions!” I say as I get out of the car. “and don’t you dare  say a word to anyone!” I grumble as I walk inside.
“Hi my gorgeous boys! Where have you two been?” Mum says as we walk into the living room.
“just doing some brotherly bonding” Dean replies as he walks past me and ruffles my hair. “Oh that’s good” mum replies with a big smile.
I give her a kiss on the cheek and headed to my room.
My mum has a heart of gold, she’s always happy. The only time she gets mad is when her favourite tv show ends or when the weather man is wrong with the sunny forecast. Which is a lot mind you.
I decide to message Raine. It was 12:30 in the afternoon, She should be awake by now surely?
“Hey, thanks for last night. You’re fun to go out to town with, we should do it again sometime? :)” I send hoping I don’t wake her up. I guess she did have a rough night anyway.
“No, thank you for dealing with my drunk ass! I wouldn’t mind doing it again either. :P” Raine replied straight awya. Drunk ass? I thought to myself, It made me laugh. “Haha yeah, your ‘drunk ass’ wasn’t too hard to deal with.” I reply with a grin on my face.
I didn’t get any reply for a few minutes so I decided to listen to my Van Halen record. There was something about vinyls that I liked in particular. The sound felt so real, like you’re living in the year it was created. It felt so good.

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