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As I went to sit down my phone came flying out of my pocket, my headphones jerked off my ears and fell, I quickly grabbed my them which disconnected them from my phone before it hit the floor. Metallica started blaring out of it. "shit" I mumbled as I went to grab it. I put my headphones back in it straight away and checked it to see if it was broken. It was fine thank god. I looked around the bus nervously, people were glancing at me and snickering. I bet they were talking about my music. I went to put my headphones back on and continue listening to what was now the end of the song. "Hey you have good taste in music" a voice said to me. I turned to Isaac with a startled look on my face. "That was Metallica right?" he asked, I nodded "y-yeah Cyanide" I smiled. "Hah cool. You a big fan?" he questioned, "yeah, I'd love to see them in concert one day. You?" I asked. I was feeling a bit star struck if you could somehow call it that, I had butterflies in my stomach and everything. "Yep, I've seen them twice before. I can't wait for their next tour" He said casually. "No way! That's awesome!" I said completely jealous. He looked at me smiling, I got nervous and started to slowly turn away. "I'm Isaac by the way" he said, "I know, you're in my English class" I replied as I smiled at him. "And you are?" he asked whilst holding out his hand, "oh sorry, I'm Raine" I said shaking his hand. "Ah. nice name. Well it's nice meeting you" He said kindly with a smirk on his face. "Yeah, you too" I smiled. I started to feel less nervous. "You're a gunner too I presume?" He asked pointing my back pack covered in several band badges. "hah yeah" I said as I looked at him. He has the most beautiful eyes, "favourite band member?" he asked, "pardon?" I asked as I realized I was staring at him. "I asked you who your favourite band member was" he chuckled. I was embarrassed, "oh um A -Axl of course but I also really like Duff" - "cool cool" he said, "were you just daydreaming or something?" he questioned. "Uh yeah probably, That's how I managed to cut my hand last night" I said as I held my bandaged hand. I hurt a little after I caught my headphones. "Yeah I saw that, It must be pretty bad if it's bandaged like that!" - "yeah it has a few stitches but it'll be fine" I replied. "ooh ouch, you must've been daydreaming something good to cut it that bad!" he said with a bit of a laugh, "yeah you could say that" I said with a chuckle and a smirk across my face. 'Ahh if only he knew' I thought to myself I thought to myself. We arrived at school and started getting off the bus.

Dreamin' another eraOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora