Here we go.

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I led Raine to my room and chucked my bag on the floor.
“Cool room!” Raine said, I could see her admiring my band posters.
“Thanks” I said with a smile.
I went over to my record player, Raine stood next to me going through my vinyl collection.
“This is so cool! Where did you get them all?” She asked, gently flipping through the stacks.
“They were my dad’s, and there’s a couple from mum. I’ve bought most of them though.” I said with a grin. Raine went over to her bag and pulled out the record I bought her.
I went and sat on my bed, and watched her. She slid the vinyl out of its cover and the plastic sleeve it was in. With her hands working slowly and delicately she put the vinyl on the record player, placed the pin on and let the magic happen.
Raine turned to me with a look of happiness and excitement. She then went to put the plastic sleeve back into the cardboard cover and found my drawing.
I looked at her as she studied it.
“Did you draw this Isaac?” She asked. Her face had an amazed look on it.
I blushed and stared at my hands. “Yeah.. do you like it?” I asked her, I felt a little embarrassed.
“It’s amazing. Why didn’t you tell me you could draw!?” She asked as she sat down on my bed next to me.
“It didn’t really cross my mind. It’s just a hobby” I replied as I looked at her.
She smirked. “You’re so good Isaac.. Do you have more drawings?” She asked as she put the drawing into the vinyl cover.
“Yeah, but they’re old and crappy” I said with a laugh.
“Awh, I’m sure they’re not!” Raine said with a giggle. She moved from my bed and went over to the beanbag. “We should actually do some of our shitty English work you know?” She asked as she dug around in her bag for her book.
I guess she was right. “Ehh. I suppose.” I groaned.
I got my drawing book out instead and sat it next to me.
I watched Raine as she started to jot down some work in her book. I could see that she was quietly singing to the music.
I decided to sketch her, I studied her every movement like a cat watching a bird. (without the pouncing of course). I looked at her face shape, her hair, her mouth and the weird expressions it made when she got stuck on a question.
After 10 minutes or so I almost finished her portrait. It was only small so I didn’t have to add as many details.
“What are you doing?” Raine asked with a smirk on her face.
“Nothing” I said as I put my book down.
She came over to my bed and sat next to me. “Were you sketching instead of working?” She asked with a giggle.
“I don’t know what you’re on about. I was working the whole time!” I sarcastically argued.
“Yeah right!” She said as she spotted my sketch book and tried to snatch it.
I quickly grabbed hold of it and held it tight.
“Come on Isaac! This isn’t fair!” She said as she tried to tackle me to get the book off me.
I rolled away. “No!” I laughed hysterically.
She sat on top of me and with great force she pried my fingers away from my book. “ah ha!” she said with great accomplishment.
I covered my face and laughed as she flicked through my book. Starting from my horrible drawings from grade seven to the ones of today.
I felt her loosen her body as she still sat on top of me. It was quiet.
“Do you like it?” I asked, I knew she was on the drawing of her.
“’s beautiful” She said as she looked up from the page.
“Yes.. You are” I quietly replied.
We locked eyes and I sat up a bit so we were closer to each other.
‘Sweet Child o’ Mine’ Played softly in the background.
I placed a hand on her cheek and pushed away the hair that fell onto her face.
She was biting her bottom lip as was I.
Our faces came closer and I made the first move. Our lips touched as we kissed.
Her lips were so soft like delicate rose petals. I was gentle.
Her hands went around my back and pulled me on top of her as our kiss deepened.
I supported myself above her with my arms as her hands were on my neck and in my hair.
I’ve never experienced something so comforting like her touch.
The kiss felt as if it went for ages until she started to ease off.
I pulled back and we looked into each other’s eyes. Slowly panting.
“wow” Raine said quietly. I replied the same.
We sat cross legged to each other, not letting go of our gaze.
“I’ve never kissed someone like that before” Raine said with a small smile.
“Nor have I.” I said smiling.
I held her hand as she held mine.
We simply sat in silence as the side of the record had come to an end. Still holding our gaze.
“You really are amazing Raine” I smiled.
She blushed and looked nervously at our hands. “you are amazing too” She said as she looked back at me.
I grinned and then gave her hand a soft kiss.
*Knock knock* The door swung open. I quickly jumped off my bed and pretended to search for a book at my desk.
“Hey little brother” Dean said as he stormed in to my room. “Oh and who is this lovely lady? I hope I didn’t disturb you two” he said slyly.
“Raine this is my brother Dean, Dean this is Raine.” I said as I motioned for him to leave my room.
“Hi Raine, It’s nice to meet you. Isaac has said so many good things about you!” Dean said with a smirk.
“Oh” Raine laughed. Her face was red and I could see she was embarrassed.
“Righto Dean, out you go.” I said as I had to push him out the door.
“I’ll let you two get back to it then. Nice meeting you Raine” He said as I shut the door on him.
“You too!” She said with a laugh.
I walked over to the record player and put her vinyl away.
“I never knew you had a brother?” She asked with a giggle.
“Well you do now!” I said a little pissed off thanks to Dean.
“How much older is he?” She replied as she got off my bed and came over to me.
“He’s only two years older, He trains in the army so he’s rarely home” I say back.
“Oh cool.” She replied. “Shit it’s almost 5:30. I better go home. Mum will freak!” She said worriedly.
“Okay, I’ll drop you off.” I said as I helped gather her things.
We left my room and Raine said goodbye to my mum and Dean. I took dads car keys and we went out to the car. It was only a 3 minute drive to her house.
We arrived and she unbuckled her belt, “Thanks for everything today, the GnR vinyl, the drawings and the” -
“Kiss” I butted in.
“Yeah, and that” she blushed.
“Anytime” I blushed too.
“see you at school tomorrow” She snuck over and gave me a kiss on the cheek and then got out of the car.
I waved to her as she walked to the house. She was incredible. If I wasn’t in love with her before, I know I sure am now.
I drove back home, happier than I’ve ever been before. Now I have to deal with Dean and the annoying questions all over again when I get home but that didn’t matter.
My heart is what now matters. Raine is all that matters.

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