Fun Lies.

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I ran downstairs in search for mum. I found her in the lounge room and sat next to her. "mummzy?" I said in my oh so charming voice. "what do you want Raine?" she said to me with a look. "uhh Ruby just called and asked if I could go with the movies with her tonight?" I said as I crossed my fingers behind my back. I wasn't telling a bad lie was I?.. "its six o'clock now and we're about to eat tea, what time is the movie?" she said in that 'I need more convincing' tone of voice. "it's at eight, I know its late and very soon but if I'm superfast at eating tea and doing the washing up I should be able to leave at 7:30. Ruby's brother is going to give us a lift there. Pleeeease??" I said really fast still with my fingers crossed behind my back. "hmmm, well. Only if you do one thing for me" she replied, "uh okay, what is it?" I said suspiciously. "I need you to get me some 'supplies' " she said as she gave me some money. "oh um yeah sure" I replied calmly. I turned away and headed back to my room. I can't believe I have to buy that stuff while I'm with Isaac! Maybe I can hide the money and pretend I lost it or pretend that I got mugged? Nah.. that's too stupid. I'll figure something out... somehow. I jumped back onto my bed and called Isaac back. My heart was pumping frantically as the phone rang. "hey, I was waiting for you to call, I'm waiting in line for the tickets now. Can you come?" he asked hopefully. I blushed "yeah but there's a twist." I replied. "uh like what?" he asked curiously. "well I kind of told mum that you were Ruby..." I said shyly, "hahaha what!? Wait let me guess. Your mum doesn't like you hanging out with boys alone?" he said as he laughed, "yeah, pretty much" I laughed. "well I better go it's my turn to get the tickets, I'll pick you up around 7:30 from your bus stop?" he said in a kind of hurry. "yeah okay, see you then" I said as I hung up, wait he drives? Then why would he catch the bus to and from school? I thought to myself. I raced back downstairs and ate dinner as fast as I could. It was corned beef and mash which I hated so it was hard to devour quickly. I went into the kitchen as started cleaning up the dishes, I looked at the clock and it was 7:00. That's alright I guess, only half an hour to get ready, should be fine! I finished cleaning and raced into the bathroom. I drew on some eyeliner and applied some mascara and lippy, I wasn't sure of what to do with my hair so I just straightened the crap out of it then attempted to put it into a ponytail but the hair tie snapped at the last stretch, great. Time now 7:20, How the hell did I take 20 minutes just for those few things? I darted into my room and searched for my Metallica shirt and my denim jacket I started to stress, Isn't it great when you can't find the clothes you want to wear for a 'sudden occasion.' I threw my clothes all around my room and finally found them on top of my washing basket. The most obvious place of course. I slid into my black jeans and put on my crappy yet incredibly comfortable $4 shoes from kmart. 7:30 Shit I better run! I grabbed my small handbag with my purse and phone and took off to the kitchen. "Bye mum! I've got to run!" I said as I kissed her on the cheek and took off to the door with my long hair probably whipping her in the face, "okay hon, don't forget my supplies!" she yelled as I shut the door. Fantastic it was freezing outside. 7:32crap he's probably waiting at the bus stop. I started running and my leg cramped "shit shit shit!" I mumbled/screamed it was so painful but I was close to my bus stop. I hobbled the rest of the way, I arrived at my bus stop but didn't see any car so I sat down on the cold crappy mound of dirt that was there instead of a normal seat because the council is too lazy to put one there. I was out of breath and panting like a woman giving birth. That was probably the most exercise I've had in years, I'm incredibly unfit. The wind blew a steady cold breeze so hugged myself to keep warm. I saw oncoming lights, it was 7:40 so I guessed it would be Isaac. The lights got brighter and clearer, the car sounded beautiful. It pulled up next to me and glimmered in the street light. It was a '71 black Monaro, she was stunning. I looked at Isaac and waved, I made my way around to the passenger side and got in.

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