All Dolled Up

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I had been at Ruby’s for at least half an hour. She put on some music (if that’s what you can even call it) It was horrible modern music which she knew I hate. “can you play some real music please?” I asked Ruby as I pulled out my makeup bag. “this is real music Raine, your music is old and ancient” she said with a laugh. “bitch” I snickered at her and then we burst into laughter. I put my phone on the music dock and chose a song, ahhh the sweet sound of real music!
“let’s start with your hair shall we!” Ruby said as she motioned me towards her dressing table. “okay, curls or waves?” she asked. “straight!” I said boldly. “ugh, so boring Raine!” she snickered back at me.
After roughly 10 minutes my long thick hair was finally straight, I got a start on my makeup. “So where do you plan on taking Isaac tonight?” asked Ruby. “ha that’s where you come in!” I said with a laugh. “because you hate town and have no idea of where to go?” She replied stubbornly, “Yep, give me a list and prices please” I asked as I gently applied my eyeliner. “fine, costs shouldn’t matter though Raine. We don’t live in a giant city where it costs a limb to buy a bloody drink!” She replied as she wrote a list. “true!” I said with a laugh.
“woo hoo, you look mighty fine!” Ruby said as I judged myself in the mirror, I must admit I looked pretty nice. “these heels are going to kill me by the end of the night” I said as I looked down at my feet. “nah, more like the first quarter of the night” Ruby said with a smirk. “ehhh” I said as I plonked down onto the bed.
9:45, Isaac said he would meet me at Ruby’s at 10:00. “Raine settle down” Ruby said as she sat down next to me, “huh? I’m fine Rubes” I said slowly. “ah your hands are shaking and you’ve got that weird rash thing on your arm that you always get when you’re nervous” she said back as she grabbed my arm. “oh shit.” I replied with a gulp, “you’ll be fine Raine, nothing bad will happen. You look sexy as fuck and I’m sure if any other guy tries to get creepy with you Isaac will take them down” She said with a laugh. “yeah I guess.. I’m more nervous that I’ll be a complete weirdo towards him again you know?” I said as I look worryingly at Ruby. “Just calm down Raine, You can’t help feelings sometimes. Learn to let your guard down, who knows how good you’ll feel afterwards?” She said reassuringly. “hmmm” I said as I tried to keep my shaking hands under control.
Isaac messaged me “I’m out the front :)” – “ok, coming :)” I replied. I stood up and let out a sigh, “time to go!” I said to Ruby as I grabbed my stuff. “Have a good time, come back here tonight. I’ll leave my window open so you can come in without disturbing anyone” She said with a smile. “I will, and thank you for everything tonight. I couldn’t do it without you.” I said as I gave her a big hug. “my pleasure! Now go and make the night yours!” she said as we went outside.
I walked over to Isaac and gave Ruby a wave. “hey, you look great” Isaac said with a smile. I felt my cheeks blush “thanks, you scrub up well too” I said with a little smirk. “I called a taxi, they’ll be here in a minute” He said as we walked to the street. “cool” I replied. “so where are we going tonight?” Isaac asked. Mmm god he’s so cute tonight. “Uh I’m not sure yet. We’ll soon find out” I replied with a giggle.
The taxi arrived and we got in. “to town please” I said as I buckled in next to Isaac.

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