Night on the town

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We got out a couple of blocks away from any of the clubs. I rummaged through my bag to find the list of places to go. “uh huh!” I said as I found it and studied the list. “what is that?” Isaac asked as he peeked at it. “oh, I got Ruby to write me a list of places to go” I said shyly. “I thought you knew where to go?” Isaac asked puzzled. “yeah well the thing is, I absolutely hate town and have only ever been out twice” I said as I looked at him. “oh, I didn’t know that. You didn’t have to come with me you know?” He said as he took the list from me. “I wanted to go out with you, I mean as in like to town. Not literally go out with you” (Oh my god shut up Raine!) I thought as I quickly coughed to continue what I was saying, “every time I have gone out to town I have had to deal with a drunk Ruby. And believe me, that is not fun, I hate feeling like I have to be the responsible adult who cant enjoy herself on a night out” I blushed as I concentrated on where I was stepping in these stupid heels. “huh, yeah I don’t think that would be too fun at all.. I’m not much of a party goer either. The only music they play in town is horrible techno shit that all sounds the same.” Replied Isaac.
We continued to talk until we came to our first stop on Ruby’s list. Southston.
“from my memories this is the place that Ruby vomited all over the bathroom floor” I said with a laugh as we walked in.
“I.D. please” Said a big bouncer guy. I handed my drivers licence to him and he allowed me in. Isaac followed behind. The music was loud and it was crowded, we went to the bar to get some drinks. “What do you want?” Isaac shouted over the horrible music and noise of the people crowded in the room. “I’m just going to buy a cider” I said as I waved to the barman. “my shout” Isaac said as he slipped a $20 to the barman “ A Cider and a Jim Beam with cola thanks.” Jim Beam and cola not a bad choice. I thought to myself.
The barman handed Isaac $4 change. I looked up at Isaac, His facial expression was priceless! “$16 for two drinks! It isn’t this expensive back home.” He said as he pocketed the change. I laughed and grabbed our drinks. I lead him upstairs to the rooftop, It was usually more relaxed up there.
“that’s another reason I don’t come out. The money” I said as I took a sip from my cider. “yeah I guess so” He said with a laugh.
We hung around Southston for at least half an hour or so before deciding to go somewhere else. As we walked down the mall I came across the letter board and found an add that caught my eye.
 ($15 entry at The Roseby all this weekend to rock on to your favourite Rock tunes, We’ve got Paradise city, BohRap, Rock ‘n’ Roll all Nite and much much more! Also buy your first drink and your second is complimentary!)
“sweet, let’s go here” I said as I pointed to the add. “Yeah that seems cool” Isaac said as he read it. We made our way to the Roseby, “ow these shoes suck!” I said as I stopped to take them off, I went to stand back up and a horrible pain shot through the middle of my feet, “fuck me!” I winced as I tried to walk it off. “you alright?” Isaac asked as he placed his hand on my back. “yes but no” I laughed “heels and me don’t mix very well.” - “then why did you wear them?” Isaac asked with a little laugh. “well they looked cool and Ruby said they looked great on me so…” I replied as I hobbled around. “You should just wear what you feel comfortable in. In my opinion heels are a bit overrated, I can see that you have no trouble walking in them but the girls that can’t just look like new born calves” Isaac said with a chuckle. I laughed along, “that is very true!”
We arrived at The Roseby and did the whole ‘show your I.D. and give us all your money’ deal again. The sweet sound of ACDC was playing ‘Rock ‘n’ Roll ain’t noise pollution’ “Rock ‘n’ Roll ain’t gonna die” I said as we walked in to the courtyard that was setup with a DJ and a bar at opposite ends. “this is so cool” I said to Isaac as I looked up to his eyes. Hmm I don’t know if it’s me or the alcohol that just wants to grab his face and rub it against mine. I was starting to feel a little bit tipsy and went and found a table to sit at, “I’ll go grab some drinks, would you like anything?” Isaac said as he helped me to the table. “I’ll have whatever you’re having” I said with a smile, He headed off to the bar. I hope to god it’s just JB and cola, they’re usually not too strong.
“Listen up people! Who wants a bit of GNR!” the DJ shouted through the mic.
“WOOOH!” I screamed as I clapped with excitement. The DJ started to play a mix of Welcome To The Jungle and Paradise City. I sat there happily shifting my body in a weird dancing way. Isaac came back with our drinks, He had a big smile on his face “looks like someone is having fun!” He said as he passed me my drink. I took a big gulp of it, it was soothing and delicious. “yeah, GNR is my jam” I said with a giggle.
Minutes later we had finished our drinks, I pulled Isaac onto the dancefloor and decided to completely embarrass myself with pathetic dance moves. I was having a great time though.
The song ended and we went back to the table, “that was thirsty work!” I said with a giggle. “I’ll go grab some drinks, what would you like?” I said as I put my horribly painfull heels back on. “I’ll just have a water thanks, I’m just going to go to the bathroom. I’ll meet you back at the bar” He said as he walked with me. “yeah that’s all good” I replied as I found a stool to sit on at the bar.
“two waters please” I said to the bartender. He handed them to me and I sat there sipping on the water, it was incredibly refreshing. “What’s a pretty thing like you doing here alone” some buff guy next to me said as he stroked my leg with his hand. “Uh I came with a friend thanks, can you not touch me like that!” I said as I tried to move away. “hey baby, I’m only here for some fun. I don’t see any ‘friend’ of your around, how bout we get out of here” he whispered in my ear, “Seriously no, I’m waiting for my friend to come back now get off me!” I yelled as I tried to move away. The guy stopped my chair from moving so I was virtually stuck in his grip.
“Hey get off of her!” I heard this deep defensive voice boom through the room, I looked up and saw Isaac charging my way. Isaac pushed the creep off me and he bounced right back and smacked his fist into Isaacs chest. “What the fuck man!” I said as the creep looked right back at me. “Why don’t you fuck off to another bar and keep your sleezball hands away from me and any other girls!” I said as I slapped him across the face. Isaac grabbed a hold of me and took me back outside. “let’s get out of here.” He said as he grabbed my hand and took me out of the club.
I started to tear up, “he wouldn’t get off me and I kept telling him to go away but..” rambled on. “shhh its okay Raine, he was just a sleazy man whore who has nothing better to do than take advantage of drunk girls” he said as he pulled me into a hug.
He was so warm and comforting, he smelt so good. I didn’t want to leave his embrace.
I wiped my smudged eyemakep off my face and looked up at Isaac. “I want to go somewhere quiet now” I said slowly.
We started walking towards the city park. It was mainly the gay hangout in town now but I knew we’d be more safe with a bunch of guys making out than at a bar with a whole lot of sluts and man whores.
I took off my shoes and sat down under a nice big oak tree. I was starting to feel a bit better now too. We sat there in silence for a few minutes, admiring the nights sky.

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