Cozy Frustration.

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"How could you be so stupid?" I whispered frustratingly to myself, I had the perfect opportunity to actually share some intimacy with a boy who I adore, and I completely screwed it up. Yet again!

I walked up my driveway, my head was thumping with frustration. I reached the door and let myself in. "hi sweetheart, how was the movie?" Mum asked as I entered the lounge room. "It was good, couldn't complain" I said shortly.

I threw mum her bag of supplies "here, hope I got the right ones. The change is in the bag too." I said before walking off to my room.

"Raine!" mum yelled from the lounge, "ugh" I grumbled to myself before heading back out. "Yes?" I asked as I walked back in to the lounge room. "Who's jacket do you have on?" mum asked suspiciously. 'Shit!' I thought immediately, "oh I had to borrow it from Ruby's brother... It started to rain when he dropped us off and I forgot to take mine.." I said nervously with a little fake smile. "Righto then" mum said in a weird way.

I hurried off to my room, shut the door and stood in front of the mirror. How could I have not noticed I was wearing it? I guess I was caught up in my own little world of feeling shitty at myself.

I got changed into my PJ's and brushed out my knotted hair. 'I wonder if Isaac even realises that I have it' I thought.

I got my phone and sent him a message, "forgetting something? :p " I sent him. I got a message less than a minute later, "my jacket? I didn't forget about it. I thought you could use it. Haha :) " Isaac replied. I giggled to myself as I climbed into bed. "sure you did ;) " I replied. "did you have any plans for tomorrow night?" He messaged back. I smiled wildly, maybe he was going to ask me to do something? "Nah, I was just going to stay home. There's nothing to do in my boring life.." I replied, did I give a good enough hint to do something??? "well I planned on going out on the town and I need a tour guide seeing as I have no idea where to go out here haha! Would you like to help a guy out? :p " he replied. Meh seriously? I hate town, it's just a giant gathering of drunk and horny teenagers, the boys are absolute tools and the girls are needy and slutty... I thought for a minute or two before replying. "Haha sure, why not! :) " I messaged back. Maybe it won't be that bad with Isaac?

I laid there in my bed tossing and turning for most of night, I had this weird feeling of emotions. Yuck emotions, who wants them right? Well they were keeping me awake and it was pissing me off.

I turned on my bedside lamp and got out of bed. I walked over to my desk and sat down, I sat with my head in my hands and staring at my desk top. I had no idea why this was happening to me.

I leaned back and felt something poke me in the back. I turned around and found Isaacs jacket sitting there. I grabbed it and put it on, it smelt nice and comforting. I went back to bed and weirdly fell straight to sleep. I had the strangest dream that night.

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