The Movies.

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I shut the car door gently, "wow she's beautiful!" I said as I looked around the car. "haha thanks, it's my dad's. I don't have a car of my own yet" he replied. I turned back to him and smiled with a blush. "Sorry I was late by the way, dad gave me a lecture before leaving.." he said with a laugh. "that's alright, I got to the bus stop late anyway" I replied.

Isaac turned up the radio and Guns n' Roses Patience came on, a shiver went up my spine, "I love this song" I said with a smile. "I knew you liked Guns n' Roses so I put it on just for you" he said smoothly. I got goosebumps and smiled like crazy.

I hummed along to the song, Isaac quietly sang along. His voice was so deep and gorgeous, it made me feel like I was melting.

Patience came to an end, "do you like to sing?" I asked Isaac. "yeah, usually just to myself. It's embarrassing around other people" he answered softly. "I heard your quiet singing just then, believe it or not but I'm another person!" I said with a giggle. "I feel comfortable around you, would you rather I didn't?" he asked. "no your voice is lovely!" I said with a smile. Isaac looked embarrassed and blushed.

I just smiled and we both sat in silence with more GNR playing.

We parked a few blocks away from the movies, it was the only place with free parking. I opened the door and the cold air blew onto me "brrr, winter is coming" I said as I gently closed the door. "was that a Game of Thrones pun?" Isaac asked with a laugh. "yes it was! You watch it too?" I asked surprised, "you bet!" he said back. We started walking to the movie theatre, it was already 5 minutes into the movie but we would only be missing out on the commercials. It was a short walk, we discussed Game of Thrones and our favourite characters.

We didn't have to line up or wait so we walked straight into the theatre. There weren't many people there so we got pretty good seats. The movie began. I was so excited that I could have cried! Isaac was digging through his pockets, he held out a packet of lollies to me. I looked at him with a sneaky smile and took some. They were Fruchocs, my favourite!

We drummed our arms and gently head banged throughout the whole movie. I felt so comfortable with him. It was going great. The movie came to an end, we sat there and watched as the credits rolled. Metallica were playing Orion. I was in love with James Hetfield even more now thanks to the movie.

We left our seats and headed into the foyer of the theatre. "What's in the bag!?" I said to Isaac looking determined. "I don't know!" he said with a laugh.

The foyer was empty with only the sound of arcade machines and the smell of popcorn in the air. Isaac went to the counter and bought a popcorn to share. "Popcorn after the movie? Why not!?" I said with a laugh. I opened the door to go outside and the nights air hit me, it was freezing and raining! Grrr! Just my luck!

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