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Ruby and I went to the hospital to visit Raine.

As we arrived at her room there were two police officers and her parents sitting in the room with her, We decided to wait outside.

"You alright?" I asked Ruby, I could see her hands shaking.

"Yeah, just really hate hospitals" She replied and out her hands in her pockets.

"I know what you mean" I said with a small smirk trying to comfort her.

We waited for about 10 minutes for the officers to leave and then entered the room, Ruby Raced to Raines side and burst into tears.

"It's alright Ruby" Raine said trying to comfort her.

Ruby looked at Raine, her face was pooled with tears.

"I get to go back home tomorrow" Raine said with a small grin as she stroked Ruby's back.

Ruby and I smiled in delight.

I sat down with Raines parents and we had a little chat before they left the room.

"Are you okay Rubes? You're shaking a bit" Raine said with a small giggle.

Ruby nodded, "I'm not a fan of hospitals"

I watched Raines face and could tell that she was exhausted. We sat in silence for a few minutes before Ruby said "You can tell me everything that happened later on. I'm just so glad you're alive" as she wiped away her tears.

Raine just smiled, her eyes looking glassy and tired.

"We better head off and let you rest" I said as I gave Raine a kiss on her forehead. Ruby agreed and gave Raine one last hug "Call me when you get home" she smiled and left the room.

"Thanks so much for bringing her here, I didn't know she was so petrified of hospitals though!" Raine said with a little chuckle. I grinned "me neither"

I bent down and our lips collided, "I love you" I said as I kissed her softly.

"I love you too Isaac" She smirked as I released her touch.

I left the room and found Ruby in the foyer, "get me the hell out of here" Ruby mumbled quietly through gritted teeth.  I laughed and put my arm around her to comfort her and lead the way back to the car.

"so why are you so frightened of hospitals?" I questioned Ruby as I pulled out of the hospital carpark. "well long story short, when I was 7 I broke my left leg and had to go to hospital.. the break wasn't too major so I only stayed there for 2 days, but it was so creepy. At night time all I heard was the constant beeps of machines, people crying as they walked past my room, the doctors have the freakiest uniforms and on the day I was leaving we had to go down the lift... as we waited for it to come to our level a sudden red cross appeared on the button pad. I asked my brother why it didn't stop for us.... and he said it's because they were taking dead people out of the hospital..... I freaked out and had nightmares for days because of what he said, mum wasn't too impressed with him and he was grounded for a week... the thought of it has scarred me for life...It's pretty stupid I know" she finished her story.

"fair enough" I responded, "I remember when I was young, I was playing in my cousins pool and they had one of those big pool cleaners that stick to the bottom and move around the pool. I asked my cousin what it did and she told me that it sucks everything up and one time it sucked 3 of her brothers toes right off and he never got them back!" I chuckled, "fair to say that I've been petrified of them my whole life thanks to her" Ruby and I laughed at my story.

I think she was feeling a bit more relaxed now, she wasn't shaking anymore and she seemed less fidgety.

a short time later I dropped Ruby off home and said my goodbyes.

On my way home I cranked some Skid Row, 18 and Life was blasting through the speakers.

As I pulled into the driveway I saw another cop car parked out the front. It sent shivers down my spine.

I walked inside and greeted the police officers. They were explaining the investigation matters and thanked Dean for his cooperation in the crime scene clean up.

They asked me how Raine was and said that they'll be asking us to come into the station within a couple of days for our statements, they then headed off on their way back to the station.

Dean looked pretty shaken up still.

We both went out the back, sat down in the warm sunshine and cracked a couple of beers open.

"how is she?" Dean asked,

I took a gulp of my beer, "getting there, she's still a bit exhausted but she'll pull through"

Dean just nodded. Silence seemed to be so comforting at this moment.

** Hi guys! it's been a while I know.. I've had a bad case of readers block for quite a few months so I apologize dearly.. I also apologize for this super short part, it's kind of boring and really sucks.. Also I'm sorry for never replying to anyones comments! I never get notifications! Whoops!... Anyway, have a nice day everyone! :) ** - QueenAmyGunnerRose

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