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School had finished for the day and we all raced out of our classes. I met Raine and Ruby at our bus stop.
“Hey Isaac, do you want to come to town with us before going home?” Ruby asked as I arrived at the busses. I saw Raine give her an evil look and elbow her in the side.
“Uh sure.. Only if you both want me there?” I reply coolly.
“Yeah why not! We were just going to go grab something to eat and see what’s on in town this weekend” Ruby said with a grin.
I looked at Raine and she smiled and looked away. “Alright then” I said, I wonder what Ruby is up to?
We went over and hopped onto the town bus instead. It was more crowded on there so we didn’t get a seat. After 5 minutes or so of clinging onto the side of someone’s chair and trying not to fall over we finally got to town. We got off the bus and started walking to the food court.
“what do you usually do in town?” I asked them both, it was a stupid question I know but I wanted to start a conversation for once.
“well.. I guess we shop” Raine said with a laugh, “oh and people watch!” Ruby added which made them both laugh hysterically.
“people watch?” I questioned.
“Yep! All you do is sit there and watch the people walking around town.. You see some crazy people here” Raine said as she looked at me with a smile.
“They’re crazy alright! I don’t know if you can class some of them as people though” Ruby laughed.
“right..” I laughed along.
We got to the food court and it was packed. We sat down and I studied all of the different food surrounding me.
“Have you ever been here before?” Raine asked as Ruby went off to get her food.
“nope, I have no idea of what to get. I’m not really hungry anyway” I reply with a small smile.
“oh, neither am I.. The food here isn’t too special..” she said as she looked at me, “Do you like sushi?” she soon asked.
“yeah, as long as it doesn’t have fish in it” I said with a laugh. I looked at her face, She is truly beautiful.
“same” she laughed “would you like to go halves? I’ll pay?” She said as she got up to get some sushi.
“Yeah sure. You can choose” I replied with a grin.
“Okay” she said as she turned and walked away.
I studied her body as she left. It was on the curvy side and her butt looked fantastic. I quickly looked away and blushed hoping no one saw how creepy I was being.
Ruby came back to the table with her food, which was just a bowl of chips.
“Nice present you got for Raine by the way” she said as she sat down. I just smiled.
“she really likes it you know. And I think you gave her a little tug on the heart strings.” She said as she pushed the bowl of chips towards me. I took one and it was really hot.
“really?” I asked a bit puzzled and relieved.
“Yep. She’s not real good with the whole ‘more than friends’ deal. But you my man, have clicked.” She said a she ate another chip.
I blushed and looked up to see Raine was coming back.
“I hope you like fried chicken sushi?” She said as she sat back down.
“yep, that’s great” I gave her a smile.
We ate our food and had some small talk before leaving to food court. We walked into the mall and checked the notice board.
“There’s seriously never anything good on in this boring town” Ruby said with a groan.
“Well there is. You just have to look properly Ruby” Raine said as the searched to board.
“This looks alright.” I said as I pointed to an add. It said that there was a new band playing at The Roseby this week end, with no entry cost.
“Yeah that seems good. I’ll go” Raine said, “you should come too this time” she told Ruby.
Hmmm..I guess I should get out of the house” She replied.
“Cool, hopefully it won’t be like last time!” I said as we walked off to find something else to do.
We spent the next 20 minutes window shopping and talking.
“I’m going to meet mum at her work and go home from there, did you two want a lift?” Ruby asked us.
“No thanks, I’ll catch the bus from here” I said with a smile.
“Me too” Raine also said.
“Alright, but don’t say I didn’t offer!” Ruby said as she went her separate way.
We both laughed and walked to our bus stop.
“I’m really keen to play my Guns n Roses record” Raine said breaking the ice.
“Good” I said with a big grin. “I bought a Van Halen one too so I’ll probably play listen to that when I get home.
“Van Halen is sick! I don’t know where mum keeps her old record player so I’ll have to search for it first.” Raine said a little disappointed.
“You could always come to my house and listen to it? I know your mum is all against the ‘boy’ thing but you could tell her we were studying for English? That’s only half a lie??” I asked nervously hoping her response wasn’t awkward.
“Hmm, that’s not a bad idea. I don’t think she’d care all that much if I do tell a little white lie” Raine said with a giggle.
“Awesome. I can drop you off  at your house after too.” I said happily. I had a huge grin on my face. And by the looks of her, she seemed a little happy too.
We got on the bus and went to my house, I only hope Dean wasn’t home.
I walked through the door and mum was in the lounge room. “Hi honey, how was school?” She asked as I held the door open for Raine.
“Not too bad” I said as I took off my shoes.
Mum shot up from her seat as soon as she saw Raine. “Who is this?” she asked with a big grin.
“I’m Raine” Raine said, I could hear that she was nervous.
Mum wrapped her arms around Raine. “It’s so lovely to meet you, I’m Elizabeth but you can just call me Beth” Mum said as she let go of Raine and looked at her. “You’re a very pretty girl Raine” She said to her.
I looked at Raine and she went bright red. “Mum, don’t embarrass her. She’s here to do homework for our English class.” I reply as I motion Raine towards the kitchen.
“Sorry hun.” Mum said, she couldn’t wipe the grin off her face.
I went into the kitchen and offered Raine a drink.
“I’m fine thanks.” She said with a pause “your mum is really lovely” She said.
I laughed, “sometimes too lovely” I said with a grin and took a bottle of water from the fridge.
I felt hot and nervous so I took off my jumper. I noticed Deans car keys weren’t on the hook in the kitchen which meant he wasn’t home, that was a big relief. The last thing I need around here is an annoying big brother to embarrass me.

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