Time to talk.

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After school Isaac got off at my bus stop and decided to walk me home.
“I’m going to talk with mum tonight” I said as we held each other’s hands.
“You don’t have to rush into it” Isaac replied.
“It would feel a whole lot better to get it over and done with” I said with a little laugh.
“Yeah true” He said as he squeezed my hand.
“My family aren’t home tomorrow night if you want to come around?” I asked him with a grin.
“Hmm I’m tempted” Isaac replied with a chuckle.
“Come on Isaac! Please!” I grabbed his arm and squeezed it tight.
“Okay, Okay!” he laughed.
“Good!” I giggled.

We stopped out the front of my neighbour’s house.
“I’ll tell you how everything goes tonight” I said to Isaac.
“no sweat” He said as he picked me up and we kissed.
I laughed as he put my back down. He was taller than me but not too tall, he was just right.
We continued to walk to my house, this time with our hands in our pockets.
“See you tomorrow” He said with a little wave.
“Yeah. I might call you tonight.” I replied before walking up my driveway.
“Okay” He said with a gorgeous smile.
I walked inside with a grin spread across my face.
“Hey Raine, How was your day?” Mum asked as I walked into the kitchen.
“Not too bad thanks” I replied. I went over to see what mum was preparing for dinner.
“What’s for dins?” I asked as I sat down at the kitchen bench.
“We’re having honey mustard chicken” she said as she sliced the raw chicken.
“Yum” I replied. That was one of my favourite meals.

I went to my room and dropped my bag on the floor. I got changed into some trackies and crawled into bed. I was a bit tired so I decided to have a nap before dinner.
‘I was out walking through town, dressed in a skimpy dress and heels. There was a lot of noise and smoke filling the streets. I stopped out the front of a tv store, “Welcome to the jungle” Played on the tv screens and I was fascinated.
Someone tugged on my arm and I looked up to see Axl standing in front of me. He was wearing leather jeans and a white printed top, his hair was teased into a big puffy mess. I grabbed his hand, not even star struck and we left the streets. He led me into a vacant unit. It was dusty and smelt like cheap alcohol. The whole band was there. Slash sat on an old couch with a bottle of Jack, Izzy stood by a window puffing on another cigarette, and Steven and Duff sat beside Slash both with girls on their laps and bottles of alcohol in their hands. I felt a little bit intimidated. Axl dragged me into an old bedroom. He faced me and started to unzip my dress. It fell to the floor and I stood there in my underwear. He slid his hands around my waist and pulled me closer to his body. I felt his hardness push against me as he trailed kisses down my neck.’
*knock knock* “dinner is ready!” Mum yelled through my bedroom door.
“Jeez..” I said as I slowly sat up. What the hell was that dream about? I stumbled out of bed. I felt really guilty after what I just dreamt.
I went into the dining room and sat down with mum and her boyfriend.
“Tired were we?” mum asked as she passed me the vegetables.
“You could say that” I replied, Feeling groggy from the dream.

After tea I went to the kitchen to clean up. I washed the dishes and mum dried them.
(Now is the time) I thought to myself, and it was.
“Mum can I talk to you about something?” I asked, nervous as all hell.
“Yeah what’s up?” She asked curiously.
“Well um..” I coughed. “What would you say if I had met a guy?” I asked as I continued to wash the dishes.
Mum put down her dishes and towel. “I’d be over the moon, you know that!” she paused. “Why do you ask that?” she resumed to ask as she put away some dishes.
“Uh well I thought you’d be really angry” I said nervously.
“Why would I be angry!? I would more than likely be angry if you never got a boyfriend” She replied with a laugh.
“Oh” I said as I let the water down the sink.
“Have you met someone Raine?” Mum asked, I could tell that she cared. I don’t know why I freaked out so much about telling her.
“Yeah sort of” I grinned.
“Do you really like him?” she said with a smile.
“I really do mum. And he likes me too” I said with butterflies.
“Raine I’m so happy for you! I don’t understand why you thought I would growl at you” she said with a laugh. She gave me a hug.
“You should bring him around sometime” She said with a smile before leaving the kitchen.
“Yeah” I said as I walked into my room.

I closed my bedroom door and called Isaac. I was so relieved.
“Hey how did it go?” He answered.
“It went better than I expected.. She’s actually really happy. And so am I” I said with a grin.
“Good! I’m relieved” He said back, I could hear him smiling.
“Me too” I paused. “Mum wants to meet you” I replied.
“I’d love that. Do you still want me to come around tomorrow?” He asked.
“Of course!” I replied with a giggle.
“Cool. I look forward to it.” He replied.
“I’m going to search for my mum’s record player tonight so you can bring some of your vinyls if you like?” I said feeling extremely happy.
“Sounds good” He said back.
We small talked for another 5 minutes before he had to go. I was feeling over the moon with everything today. This is all new for me and I don’t want to stuff it up this time.

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