Home Sweet Home

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Raines p.o.v:

I was finally being discharged from hospital. I slipped into some clothes mum bought me from home, I stared at the bandage across my stomach and winced at the memory of the glass piercing my soft skin.

*knock knock* "you ready to go hun?" I hear mum say as she knocked on the bathroom door.

"yep!" I replied as I slid a jumper over my singlet.

I entered the hallway and slowly walked over to mum. Mum smiled with joy knowing that I could go home.

We finalised some paper work at the reception desk with my doctor, and he gave me specific instructions to keep my wound safe as well as a heap of drugs. I thanked him and the nurses for everything that they had done for me and then left.

Mums partner was waiting in the car out the front for us, I hopped into the back of the car and tried to put on my seat belt. It sat right across my belly on my wound so I removed it immediately.

"you alright?" mum asked as she watched me remove the seat belt.

"yeah, it just hurts to have that on" I replied and looked at her, her face looked pitiful as she smirked ever so lightly.

I dozed off in the car on the way home, thinking of the situations I had put my mother and her partner through on that horrible evening. I imagined the fear on mums face, how she would have collapsed of the ground as the police explained the situation to her. I imagined Isaacs reaction of him arriving home to see the scene that had unfolded around him, my heart felt like it was breaking.

"Raine honey?" I heard a familiar voice say as they tapped me on the shoulder.

I fluttered my eyes open and felt a tear fun down my cheek.

"mum" I whispered as I looked at her and wiped away my tear.

"we're home" she said holding her hands out to help me out of the car.

I hobbled inside with mum and we went straight to my room.

"Thank you" I smiled and sat on my bed.

Mum just smiled and kissed me on the forehead before leaving my room.

I looked around at my room, and sighed. I slowly walked over to my desk and found my notepad, I decided to write down everything that I could remember from the scene on my way to Isaacs that day. I wrote in rage and tears streamed down my face.

There was a sudden knock at the door, "hey" a smooth deep voice said. I quickly wiped the tears from my face and turned around.

Isaac stood in the doorway with a small bunch of flowers. "hey" I smiled, still wiping the tears from my face.

He came over and handed me the flowers, they were lily's and roses in the shades of purple, "they're beautiful" I grinned and then placed them on my desk.

"I'm glad you like them" Isaac's voiced boomed softly.

I wrapped my arms around his waist and pulled his body against mine, I then looked up into his light blue eyes. "thank you" I pulled his face down to mine and embraced his kiss.

I felt his hands go behind my head as he made our kiss deep and affectionate, I smiled against his kiss and then pulled away. He had a small tear race down his cheek, "hey" I said wiping it away with my thumb.

"I thought I had lost you" He said quietly, still holding eye contact.

I kissed him again, "but you haven't."

I walked him over to my bed and we sat down, I played with the ring he gave me which was still on the chain around my neck. "have you tried it on?" Isaac asked brushing my hair away to have a closer look.

"not yet" I smiled "do you want to take it off and try?" I said looking at him. He seemed unsure, as if it may not fit properly.

"yeah I guess" he finally smirked.

I turned my neck around and he removed the chain, I pulled the ring off and placed it in his hand.

I held out my right hand and he guided it onto my finger closest to my pinky.

Isaac sighed in relief, it was a perfect fit.

A big grin crossed my face, "I love it" I said to him and he held my hands.

"not as much as I love you" Isaac replied, I shivered and felt all of the hairs on the back of my neck jolt up at once. He is so perfect, I giggled and kissed his hands.

"does your stomach hurt?" He asked as I placed the now empty chain on my bedside table.

"yeah quite a bit, the doctor prescribed me plenty of drugs to ease the pain so I should be fine..." I said pulling my shirt up to show him the bandage across my stomach.

"oh babe" Isaac said inspecting the wound.

He placed a warm hand onto the bandage, it felt like magic. His touch is so pure, I craved it.

"We're going to find the lowlife who did this. Don't you worry" He said pulling my jumper back down.

"I know you will" I looked at him worriedly. I could see the flash of anger in his eyes, It frightened me a bit. I know that if the police can't find who did this to me then Isaac and Dean will. "I have hope" I said and laid back onto my pillow.

Isaac stayed for dinner that night. Mum made a roast pork and I devoured it within minutes, crappy hospital food felt like it was destroyed my soul because it tasted that bad.

We all acted normal and happy. I got out of doing the dishes for once, which I most definitely didn't mind.

Isaac left before 8pm, I really wanted him to stay but he insisted that I needed to have a proper night's sleep alone. I guess he was right. Laying down with this wound wasn't entirely comfortable so I'm sure that I'll be tossing and turning all night.

I went to bed around 9:30 and fell into a deep sleep almost instantly.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2015 ⏰

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