The Hospital

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I sat with mum in the waiting room.
I can’t remember arriving at the hospital, everything still felt so numb. I stared blankly at nothing.

“what do you have there?” Mum whispered to me.
I looked down at my hands, I was still holding Raines gift. “It’s for Raine” I shrugged.
Mum squeezed her arm around my shoulder.

“Isaac?” I heard an unfamiliar voice.
I looked up, it was Raines mum.
“Hi, that’s me. You must be Raines mum?” I said standing up and holding out a hand.
She grabbed my hand and gave it a gentle shake, “please call me Lilly… Raine is stable, she asked for you”
“rrreally? Can I go in?” I stuttered, I was slightly startled by the news.
I looked at mum, she ushered me to go.
Lilly held out her hand “come” She said.

I followed Lilly to Raines room.
She opened the door, and I went in. “I’ll leave you alone” She said with a very faint smile.
The door closed gently.
The room was quiet, only the sound of the machines beeping and the steady flow of air from the aircon was heard. Raine was fast asleep.
I went over to her, She was slightly pale. I pushed a few strands of hair off from her face.
Seeing her this way really hurt. Tears streamed down my face as I slowly kissed her on the cheek.

I reached into the small gift bag and pulled out the chain and ring. I thread the ring onto the chain and sat it on her bedside table in the bag.
I sat down in the seat beside her and held her hand. I watched her chest slowly raise and fall with every breath.
Sudden rage filled me. “how did this happen? Who did this to her!?” I must have squeezed Raines hand something bad in my small fit of rage because she suddenly woke up.
“Hey sorry!” I said looking at her tired face.
A small grin climbed onto her face. “It’s alright” She whispered.
I stood up and looked at her.
“how are you feeling?” I asked, it was a stupid question I know.
“Just really tired and thirsty” She replied.
I let go of her hand and filled her cup with more water.
She winced as she slowly sat up.
“Here” I handed the cup to her.
She took a small sip and sat it down. “I’m so glad you’re here, I was so frightened.” Raine said. Small tears filled her eyes.
“Hey babe, it’s alright. You’re safe now” I said wiping the tears away as the flowed down her cheeks. “Did you want me to let Ruby know? I don’t have her number so I’ll give her a call on your phone” asked her.
“He stole my phone, just let her know tonight” Raine said with a sniffle.
“oh” I said in shock.
“He took it and then..” She started to speak,
“Shhh, you don’t need to be thinking of that right now. You’ll have to explain that to your parents and the cops first.” I said as I turned away and got the small gift bag.
I could see Raine was drifting back to sleep. “Here” I said, there were a million butterflies in my stomach. I was nervous.
 I pulled the chain out of the bag and place it I her hand.
“What is it?” She asked before looking at her hands.
“Have a look..” I said nervously.
Rained looked at it, her jaw dropped. I grinned and looked at her.
“It’s beautiful” She said as she examined it gently.
“I bought it when I was out today” I smiled.

Raines eyes met mine, “I love you Raine and I have ever since the first day I laid my eyes on you”
Raine started crying, Is that good or bad?
She didn’t say anything for a few seconds.
“I love you too Isaac” She said with a big grin. I felt tears rush down my face too as I bent down and kissed her. Our tears were warm.
She gave me the necklace and asked me to put it on for her. It fitted perfectly around her neck.
Raine moved back down into her bed and laid down comfortably. I pulled the sheets back over her and stroked her hair. “I need you to do something for me.” She said.
“anything” I agreed,
“He stabbed me with a piece of glass, I took it and ran. It should be out the front of you house somewhere. Find it and bag it for me.. Please?” She asked.
“Okay” I said wide eyed. “No worries. Get some rest. You’ll need it” I said and sat back in the seat beside her, not letting go of her hand.
She looked at me and nodded.
She drifted back to sleep, her necklace sitting calmly on her chest.
I stood back up to her side, “I love you” I whispered and kissed her once more before leaving her alone to sleep.

I made my way back out to the waiting room. Lilly, mum, dad and Lilly’s partner were all out there.
“everything alright?” Mum asked as she got up from her seat.
“Yeah” I replied.
I sat down and had a small chat with Raines parents before we went home.
I felt awful leaving Raine at the hospital but I knew her mum would look after her through the night.

As soon as I got home I went to the front door and searched for the piece of glass.
“what are you doing?” Mum asked quite concerned.
“Just looking for something, I’ll tell you soon” I replied as I concentrated on the ground.
“alright..” she said as she went back inside.

Dean came to the front door very shortly. “are you looking for the glass?” He asked.
“yes. Do you have it?” I said in shock.
“Nah the police have it. This place was set up as a crime scene when you were gone. They took every inch of evidence with them. Don’t worry, they’ll catch the son of a bitch” Dean said as he pulled me inside.
I was a tiny bit relieved.
I went and had a shower and got changed, all I wanted to do was go to bed but I needed to let Ruby know first.
I searched through the phone book for her number.
I dialed the number and hoped that it was the right one.
“Hello?” somebody answered.
“Hi, this is Isaac, is Ruby there?” I asked them.
“Sure I’ll get her for you” They said and it went quiet.
“Hi Isaac?” Ruby’s voice answered.
“Hey Ruby. Uh I have to tell you about Raine” I said to her.
“What about Raine?” she said, and I could hear fear in her voice.
I explained the whole situation and then we said our goodbyes.

I was exhausted after today and decided to go to bed. The same image of the bloodied front door raced through my head as I tried to go to sleep. It was going to be a long night.

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