Simple Gift.

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‘I walk down the corridor at school. No one is around. I hear a noise and turn around. I see someone at their locker. I approach them and try to speak. The locker door closes, and this girl with long beautiful dark hair spins around. “I knew you’d be here” she says as she looks into my eyes and places her hands on my hips. She pulls me close to her body and whispers in my ear “Take me.” She grabs my hand and leads me to an empty class room. I lay on the table, She unbuttons her shirt and sits on top of me. Her lips meet mine as she places my hands on her body. I’m in awe and stunned. She feels so sexy. I passionately kiss her and her lips then move down my neck and I let out a little moan. She unzips my jeans and slides her hand down my leg and grips tight.’
“Raine” I let out in a moan. I suddenly jolt up from my sleep. “fuck” I whisper as I look around the room. I’m sweating and my heart is beating fast. I must’ve fallen asleep listening to my record. Is it stupid to feel incredibly embarrassed after a dream like that?
My phone buzzes in my pocket. It’s a message from Raine.
“ :)Thanks anyway. I’m stuck at my little cousin’s birthday party. My family members are constantly trying to make conversations with me, and it’s always the same questions “what are you going after school, do you have a job, blah blah blah.” Help me! D:” It read.
I gave a little chuckle, “I think you have to suffer with that today sorry. I’m going out for tea with my family soon so I’m no help :p” I reply. That sucks for her though, family gatherings aren’t my favourite either.
“Awh Isaac! This is horrible! :(“ She replies back. I really wish I could help her out, I would do anything to see her again. I feel as if I’m starting to crave her, I want to be with her more and more. “Sorry Raine, I can’t be your knight in shining armour today :’D” I reply, ‘good comeback loser..’ I think straight after sendingit.
“Haha! So not fair! ;) I got to go, we’re about to cut the cake and all that crap. I told my Aunt that I’ll take the photos for her. Meh! Talk later?” She sent back.
“No probs. Cya then :)” I message back.
I put my phone back in my pocket and walk out to the kitchen. Dad was home. “Hey I said as I took a seat at the table. “Hey” He said back as he reads the paper. “What time are we going out for tea?” I ask him. He looks at the clock, “in about 2 hours” he replies. “cool” I reply. I really couldn’t be bothered going out tonight.
I go back to my room and search for some decent clothes to wear out. I find my simple dark grey t-shirt and black jeans, They’ll be fine. I think...
I have 2 hours to waste before tea so I decide to draw. I like to draw when I’m bored. I draw portraits the most. I just finished drawing a picture of James Hetfield which was inspired from the movie the other night. I have no idea who to draw next. I lay on my bed for at least 10 minutes trying to find some inspiration. “urrgh” I say as I sit back up.
Dean walks into my room. “What’s up little brother? Girl problems?” He said as he sat down onto the beanbag on the floor.
“Shut up” I say as I glare at him.
“Just kidding, what’s up though?” Dean replied.
“can’t figure out what to draw next” I reply as I look at a blank page in my book.
We sat in silence for a minute.
“how about the lead singer guy of that band, Guns and something?” Dean randomly blurts out.
“Axl?” I question him. “yeah that guy, then you can give it to your girl..friend with that vinyl. She’d totally want you after that” He says as he rests his hands behind his head and smiles.
“That could work” I reply. Sometimes Dean wasn’t all looks, he actually does use that tiny brain of his, occasionally.
“I know, I’m a genius” He replies as he gets up from the bean bag. “I’ll leave you to it then” He says as he leaves my room and closes my door.
I get a start on my drawing, I hope I have improved from my last attempt of drawing Axl, that one was terrible.
An hour and a half passed and I was finishing the final touches on my drawing. “there” I say as I held it out for a better view. It didn’t look as bad as my last one.
I start to get ready for tea. I slip into my black jeans and take off my shirt.
That’s a nice bruise I’ve got there alright, I look down at the purple mark. I grab my shirt and chuck it on. I put my drawing stuff away and went into the living room.
“ready?” mum asks as she grabs her purse and keys. “yep, where are we going?” I ask as I put on a jacket.
“Just to the Dynasty Chinese place.” She says with a smile. “yum” I reply with a grin as we leave the house.
Dinner was good, I love good Asian food. Not the cheap crappy shit though.
I went to bed early, I have school tomorrow.
I kept thinking of the dream I had earlier today hoping that I would dream it again. Unfortunately I didn’t.

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