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We were walking to my locker, I could see Ruby waiting there and staring at me with a weird little smirk on her face. I shot her a look and she could see that it meant to shut up. "Hey Raine!" - "Hey.." I said with a little bit of a smile. She looked at Isaac and then back at me, "who's your friend?" She asked. "oh!.. Ruby meet Isaac, Isaac meet Ruby!" - "hi" they said at the same time. "you new?" Ruby asked Isaac. "yeah this is my second day here"- "oh cool, you can hang with us at lunch if you like, I'm sure Raine would greatly appreciate it" she said with a grin. "oh uh.. Yeah if you want to" I said a bit embarrassed by Ruby's remark. "Yeah, sounds good." He replied. There was a little pause "Well it was nice meeting you both" - "yeah you too" I said with a smile. "I'll see you around then... It was Raine wasn't it?" he asked me. "yep I'm Raine" I smiled back. "oh cool, just making sure. Hah cya" he said with a smile as he walked down the hall.

"um what was that?" Ruby asked shocked, "uhh 'that' was Isaac"- "no I mean what just happened! You actually talked to a boy? How did you do it? Are you sick?" she said sarcastically "Oh shut up!" I laughed, "he's really nice! It's all because you weren't on the bus thank you! Where were you anyway?" - "mum decided to give me a lift this morning, it was kinda without warning so I wasn't able to message you sorry" she said as we left to go to class. "oh well I'm glad" I laughed.

"holy shit Raine! What the hell did you do to your hand!?" she said grabbing my hand and inspecting the bandages. "Oh yeah. I forgot about that-" I trailed off and explained the whole daydreaming whilst washing the dishes incident. She managed to find it quite funny, honestly I did too.

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