Phone call.

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It was later that night. I was in my room lying on my bed with my headphones on and the sweet sound of Queen pumping into my brain. I rolled over and picked up my Kerrang! Magazine. Kerrang! is my favourite magazine, My favourite part was the free posters inside. This issue came with two small posters of the original covers including Metallica and Guns 'n Roses. I skipped straight to the posters and carefully ripped them out. I grabbed some blue-tack and stuck them on my wall. My parents always complained about me sticking stuff on the walls. At least I wasn't putting holes in it! I returned to my bed and laid down quietly singing Bohemian Rhapsody. I was laying there rocking out in my own little world doing riffs on my air guitar and smashing out on the invisible drums. Life was fun at times, that was until I smashed my hand into my bedside table. I yelled and fell onto the ground holding my hand in pain. My mum came in and looked at me "what did you do!?" she said puzzled and worried. "I just smacked my hand on my bedside table. That's all" I said as I sat up. "Good one idiot. That reminds me, I've booked you into the doctors to get it looked at and hopefully get the stitches out" She said. "Oh great, Thank you" I said as I put my headphones back on. Mum left my room, my phone started ringing with and unknown number. I looked at it a bit confused. I took my headphones off and answered it. "Hi Raine speaking" I said unsure. "Hi" a deep voice said "It's Isaac". My heart skipped a little beat "hey whats up?" I asked nervously. "Well the new Metallica Through The Never movie has come out, I was wondering if you'd like to come see it with me?" He asked kindly. I was speechless, was he asking me on some sort of date or just being friendly? I was so unsure. "Oh cool sure! well that's if my mum says yes. What time is it on?" I asked him. "it's on at eight, I'm in town now. I can grab you a ticket if you like?" he said kindly. "okay just hold that thought, I'll go and ask my mum first and then call you back" - "sure that's fine, catch ya" he said. "bye" I said as I hung up. My heart was racing dramatically. I really want to go, I've been hanging for this movie to come out for ages. The only trouble was convincing my mum to let me go. She wasn't a fan of me hanging out with boys.

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