School day.

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I woke up 5 minutes before my alarm and laid there staring at my ceiling. I was nervous and didn’t want to get out of my bed.
Today I was going to give Raine her present.
‘No big deal’ I kept telling myself. But I couldn’t shake off the nerves. I’m not entirely good with communicating with girls. What if she finds it stupid, or she already has the vinyl?
I grunted and groaned as I pulled myself out of bed. I went into the bathroom and grabbed a comb and started to comb my knotted hair.
*knock knock* “yeah” I said with a yawn. Mum came in, “I’m making your lunch, would you like left over roast chicken or ham?” She asked as she grabbed the washing from the bathroom. “I’ll have chicken please” I say as I give my back a stretch. “yep” mum says as she leaves the bathroom.
I remember when I started going to high school  mum always said, “it’s now your responsibility to make your own lunches for school.” That only happened for probably the first week before she took back over. I knew she’d miss doing it. After all, there’s only one year left of making my lunch before I’m finished school for good and have to become a real man in the horrible adult world.
I went to the kitchen and made some toast, I don’t like to eat in the morning because it makes me feel sick but mum forces me.. I went back to my room and searched for some clean clothes. A hoodie and jeans for today will be good.
I chuck on my clothes and then search for my sketch book. I carefully tore out my drawing of Axl and then place it in with the GnR record. I decided to put it in there as a surprise for Raine.
I take my bag and music player and head for the bus stop.
“bye mum” I say as I give her a quick kiss on the cheek and then head outside. I place my headphones on and flick my music onto shuffle. Pearl Jam’s – Black comes on, My most favourite song of theirs.
After a few minute’s walk I arrive at my bus stop. I was a bit early, I decided I would sit behind Raine and Ruby’s seat when the bus got here. I’m always the first person on the bus and I couldn’t give a shit if the people who usually sit there get angry.
The bus came and I got on, I took my seat and waited.
We reach Ruby’s stop and she climbs on. “Hey Isaac!” she says with a grin as she sits down in front of me. “Hey” I reply with a smile. “Thank you so much for taking care of Raine the other night. She doesn’t usually drink so it was a new experience for her” Ruby said with a laugh. “That’s alright. I feel really bad for what happened at the bar though” I say as I look out the window. “Nah don’t feel bad, you didn’t know it was going to happen. She’s the one who feels sorry for you having to put up with her!” She exclaimed.
I just chuckled to myself.
We arrived at her bus stop and Raine climbed onto the bus.
Now I’m not sure if it was just me but everything seemed to go in slow motion. Her friendly smile to the bus driver lit up her face as she greeted him, Her long ponytail slowly flicked around to her side as she started to walk towards us gracefully.
“Hey” her voice broke the moment.
“Hi” I said shyly. Why do I feel so shy around her?
“The brats that usually sit there aren’t going to be happy with you” she said with a laugh as she looked at me.
“Sorry I’ll move” I say as I jokingly pick up my bag.
“No! I was kidding. They’re snobs anyway” She said as she grabbed a hold of my bag and yanked it back down. I sat down with a laugh.
“What class do you guys have up first?” Ruby asked us both.
“um English I think?” I reply, “yeah that’s right because I have it too.” Raine said with a little smile. “You?” I questioned Ruby. “I have Math. Worst possible way to start a Monday I swear!” She said as she rolled her eyes.
We eventually get to school and go to our lockers. Mine was further away from the Raine’s and Ruby’s. “I’ll meet you back at your locker and then we can go to class?” I asked Raine.
“Yeah, good plan” She says back, and I see a small blush on her cheeks. She’s incredibly pretty.
I walk over to my locker and try figure out the code, I reckon I stood there for a good 5 minutes trying to remember it. We didn’t have lockers at my old school so I was finding it a bit difficult.
With no success I decide to go meet Raine.
Everyone was already in class and I walked as fast as I could to meet Raine at her locker. I paused for a quick second, the corridor was empty and Raine stood alone at her locker. This felt like Déjà vu.
“I thought you weren’t going to come” she said as we walked to class. “No sorry, I forgot my locker code and couldn’t figure it.” I reply nervously.
“oh, that’s fine. I’ll help you get the code after class” she said with a smile.
We walk in to class. “Late are we?” the teacher questions as we walk through the door. The class start to do their usual “woah.. oooh” reaction when someone is being questioned by the teacher.
“Sorry, I was helping Isaac with his locker code” Raine quickly covers although it was a lie.
“no problem. You’ll get used to them soon enough Isaac” the teacher said with a friendly grin.
We sat down at a desk together. “now who has started on their Romeo and Juliet work?” The teacher asks the class. Only about 5 people raise their hands, Raine and I being none of them.
“soppy shit” Raine whispered to me. We both quietly laughed.
The hour of class went quickly before recess. Everyone left the room apart from us and the teacher. “are you two going to recess? I need to lock the room.” The teacher said as she gathered her books.
“Sorry, I just remembered that I wrote my locker code in one of my books. Do you mind if we search for it first. We can lock the door on our way out” I asked kindly as Raine and I flicked through each page of my books.
“okay, but no longer than 10 minutes or I’ll be the one in trouble!” She said as she left the room.
“there it is!” I say as I found it in the middle of my music book.
“That sure is a safe place to put it!” Raine said with a laugh as she walked towards the door.
I went to put my books back in my bag and thought now was a good time to give her the record.
“Hey Raine…” I said. I have severe butterflies in my stomach right now.
“Yeah, she said as she turned back around.
“I um.. got you something to say sorry for letting that creep get to you the other night” I said as I pulled the record out of my bag. It was still in the bag from the store, and I handed it to her.
“Isaac, you really shouldn’t have. You didn’t know it was going to happen and neither did I. It’s not your fault at all” She said as she opened the bag.
I blushed and continued to pack my bag. “No way!” Raine says with excitement, “Do you know how long I’ve been wanting this for!?” She said with a huge grin.
“I wasn’t sure if you’d already have it or not.” I replied with a smile.
She bounced up and gave me a big tight hug. “You’re really amazing Isaac” She said with excitement.
“You are too” I reply as I hug her back. Phew, that was lucky.. I had the urge to really kiss her right now but I let it slide.
We left the classroom and went to the library to meet Ruby.
“what took you so long?” She asked as we walked in.
“long story” I reply. We sat down and I looked at Raine, we both made eye contact and I could see her blush, I smirked and looked away.
I’m so glad she doesn’t think my gift was weird or stupid.. I don’t want to seem strange or anything but I also sense some feelings from her. Maybe she likes me too?

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