Work it out.

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At School the next day things were okay. Not great, just okay. I did the usual catch up with Raine and Ruby at recess and lunch. Raine and I didn’t have English today though which kind of sucked. But the reason as to why my day wasn’t great was because Raine acted as if nothing ever happened yesterday which made me a bit miserable and incredibly confused.
Does she not have feelings? Is she embarrassed to say that she made out with me?
There was only one way to find out.
6:45pm: I sat in my room after tea, I was so confused. Mum came in and tried talking to me and asked me why I was upset. I just told her that I wasn’t feeling well. I decided to call Raine and ask her what was going on.
The phone rings, and rings until it reaches voicemail. “seriously?” I whisper to myself as I hang up.
I try again a couple of minutes later twice. Still no answer both times. At this stage I get paranoid, Is she avoiding me? Have I done something wrong?
I put my phone back in my pocket and decide to get over it. I go out to the lounge room to watch tv with mum and dad. They were watching some NCIS crap, I swear every season is the same. The main cop always almost gets killed blah blah so what.
After roughly ten minutes into this horrible tv show I felt my phone ringing and went back into my room. It’s Raine.
“Hey” I said accidently stubbornly
“Hey Isaac, why all the calls?” Raine asked as I answered.
“I wanted to talk to you” I reply.
“I was helping cleaning up sorry… What did you want to talk about?” She asked.
I paused for a few seconds. “do you like me?” I eventually say with a gut-wrenching feeling.
“What?.. What do you mean? Of course I like you!” She said a bit shocked.
“Today.. at school” I say shortly.
“Today at school what?” Raine asked curiously.
“Well you pretty much ignored me and brushed me off every time a came near you” I said with frustration.
“Oh..” She went quiet for a minute. “I’m sorry.. I promised myself I wouldn’t” She said quietly.
“Promised what?” I asked confused.
“I don’t know how to explain this well but basically I can’t really show public affection.. Well I don’t mean I can’t.. I mean I feel extremely awkward.. I don’t know why. I haven’t had luck with boys in the past” Raine tried to explain. I could hear her getting upset.
“why didn’t you just tell me that?” I asked, feeling bad that I had upset her.
“I didn’t think you would notice” She replied numbly.
“Raine of course I would notice. I notice everything about you… I’m crazy for you..” I said nervously. It was the truth.
I heard a sob on the end of the line.
“Raine?... Why are you crying?” I ask worriedly.
“I’m not, I just…” She stopped.
I didn’t push her to answer.
“I never wanted to hurt you. I really really don’t. I want you to be with me.” She replied.
I wiped a single tear from my cheek. “Can I come see you now?” I ask. I need to.
“My mum would kill me Isaac. You know that!” She whispered.
“Do you have a window or something I can sneak through? Come on.. I want to see you” I reply nervously but excited.
“My bedroom is at the side of the house. I guess you could come to my window.” She soon replied. “But be very very quiet!” She warned.
“I will. Be there in 10” I grinned wildly. My heart was pounding with excitement.
“Okay.. just shh!” Raine replied.
I got changed into some more comfortable clothes and told mum I was just going for a ride to clear my mind. She thought that’s just what I needed too.
I went into the garage and got out my pushbike, I peddled to Raines as the sun started to go down.
I was dark by the time I arrived and I went around to the side of her house being as quiet as possible. I just hope to god that I was on the right side of the house.
I called her phone.
“Hey where are you?” she asked quietly.
“I’m at the side of your house. Which one is your room?” I whispered.
“Can you see a light on it the room with the largest window?” She replied.
“Yeah” I said as I snuck over to it.
“well that’s the lounge room. My room isn’t the next one along but the one after that. I’ll come and open it.” She replied.
“Okay” I reply as I hung up the phone.
I heard a noise and looked around, I saw her head pop out of the window and she waved.
I walked over to her and grabbed her hand. I quietly and gently climbed into her room. I fell onto the ground with a thump and we both quietly laughed.
“Ouch” Raine yelled as she put a finger on her lips to tell me to be more quiet.
“Raine, You okay?” I hear her mum yell out from down the hallway.
“I’m fine. Just dropped a book on my foot. Don’t worry” She yelled back.
I was almost in tears of laughter.
“Shhh. You’ll get us both killed.” Raine whispered as she sat beside me behind the side of her bed.
“Sorry. Nice get up” I quietly laughed referring to her room. She had a huge poster of Axl and another of Metallica.
“Thanks” She replied with a smile. “I’m sorry.” She said as she grabbed my hand.
I looked her in the eyes and apologised too.
She leant in and gave me a soft kiss. I smiled wide.
Raine had her music playing on medium so it covered out talking pretty well.  
We sat beside her bed just listening to the music for a few minutes whilst embracing one another in silence.
“Have you thought of telling your mum that you’ve ‘met a guy’?” I asked quietly.
“Hmmm yeah.. Sort of. I’m just scared.” She replied.
“what is there to be scared of? Have you ever been with a guy before and told your mum?” I asked as I held rested my arm around her waist.
“no not really” She said back.
“well how do you know she won’t let you see guys? You’re 18 Raine. I doubt she’ll care!” I laughed frustratingly.
“Maybe.. I could try I guess” She smiled.
I looked at her face, She scrunched up her face and laughed.
“come here you!” I said as I pushed her flat on her back.
She giggled and tried to move away but I stopped her in her tracks.
I kissed her face, eyes neck mouth. She was giggling the whole time.
She pushed me over onto my back and swapped positions. Now she kissed me the same way. I laughed at her cuteness. “What?” she giggled as she continued to shower me in kisses.
“You’re so cute” I said back with a smirk.
“Shut up!” She said as she kissed me hard.
Her lips are still so beautiful. Our kiss deepened and I nibbled at her bottom lip. She let out a little moan which made me smile with joy.
I moved my hands down her body and grabbed her ass. It felt real good!
I felt her grin and we both laughed.
“Raine!” We heard her mum yell out as she came down the hall way.
“Fuck!” she muttered and pushed me under her bed.
I felt a thump as she quickly jumped on top.
I laid there slowly panting and trying not to laugh.
The door opened and her mum came in. “Did you want to watch Games? (Games of Thrones)” Her mum asked as she came into the room.
“Yeah can I just finish the last paragraph on my homework? I’ll be 5 minutes. Promise” Raine said so innocently.
I was holding in my laugh as hard as possible.
“Righto” Her mum said as she went back out and closed the door.
I poked my head out from the bed and Raine leaned back over. Her face said it all “phew!”
I laughed, Raine placed a hand over my mouth and leant down. She replaced her hand with her mouth and told me to shut up.
“I better go then.” I said as I crawled out of under her bed.
“Yeah sorry” She said with a frown.
“It’s all good. I didn’t realise how late it got anyway.” I said as I climbed out of her window. “I want you to be yourself tomorrow. Let down your guard in public little by little. For me please?” I said as I looked into her precious hazel eyes.
“I’ll try my best” She smirked.
I gave her on last kiss and then hopped on my bike and rode home.
Mum wasn’t fazed that I was late. She could see that I looked and felt better.
I went and had a shower and then climbed into bed. I always feel so good after being with Raine. She makes me happy. Even in her quirky little ways.
I shortly fell asleep. Feeling a little exhausted.
I fell into a deep dream.

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