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I laid down beside Isaac on the grass. My emotions were all over the place after having to deal with that creep back at the bar.
“you’re a really sweet guy you know that?” I said as I looked up at Isaac. He just smiled and stroked my hair.
Tears started to gently roll down my face, I could feel that I was starting to let my guard down. It felt beautiful. I started to hum Don’t Cry and Isaac joined in.
“Don’t you cry tonight, I still love you baby” He quietly sang along. It brought a big smile to my face. His voice is so soothing.
“Guns n Roses mean a lot to you don’t they?” Isaac said as he continued to stroke my hair.
“yeah, they help me through everything” I said with a grin “I sometimes dream about them, well I think its them. I don’t know..” I said nervously. Why did I say that, now he’ll think I’m weird for sure.
“what do you mean you think its them? Tell me about your dreams” Isaac asked curiously.
Shit, do I have to explain? What if he finds me as a complete freak after this!
“Um… well” I mumbled, “like sometimes when I have a really good dream, I’ll turn around to face them and they disappear because I always get woken up and by ‘they’ I mean mainly Axl, because I have a major crush on him.” I said with a little pause, “and then sometimes when I turn to see Axl someone else is there in his place…” I blushed.
“I hate dreams like that” Isaac replied.
Phew I got out of that one easily!..
“you dream about Axl too?” I said with a giggle. Isaac laughed along “no”. He paused for a minute, “who is in Axl’s place in your dreams?” he asked gently.
I froze, ‘shit fuck shit!’ I thought to myself. After a few seconds of silence I decided to spill the beans.
“um.. you” I muttered as quietly as I could so he couldn’t hear me.
“what was that?” Isaac said with a laugh.
“you okay! It’s you!” I said as I covered my face with my hands.
Isaac laughed and pulled my hands away from my face. I kept my eyed closed tight and giggled.
“Raine look at me” Isaac said whilst he rolled me over and sat me on his lap, face to face. We kept laughing until I finally gave in.
I looked in to his light blue eyes and he looked into mine. “don’t be embarrassed, we all dream Raine” He said as he grabbed hold of my hands. He stroked my fingers with his thumbs. “yes we do” I said with a grin. I really wanted to kiss him right now but instead wrapped my arms around his body and held him in a tight yet comfortable hug.
I fell asleep in his warm and inviting embrace.

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