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***RAINE'S P.O.V.***

I woke up this morning with determination on my mind. I was going to overcome my fear of showing affection in public. I had to do it for Isaac.
I raced around searching for my Metallica jumper which I eventually found under my bed. Gosh there’s so much shit there, I kind of wish I didn’t push Isaac under there last night.. Oh well.
Which reminds me, it’s about time I suck it up and talk to my mum about Isaac.
I put my hair up into a bun and applied a small amount of makeup.
After I had breakfast I went to the bus stop.

My heart was beating fast, I was nervous and excited at the same time. I had decided that I’d sit next to Isaac instead today to show him that I’m not afraid.
“Here we go” I whispered as the bus pulled up.
“Morning” I exchanged with the bus driver.
I spotted Ruby and Isaac straight away. My gut dropped and I plonked down next to Ruby instead. (WHAT THE FUCK RAINE!) I screamed in my mind.
“Hi guys” I said calmly as I put my bag on the floor.
“Hey” Ruby said with a grin.
“Hey” Isaac said. I looked at him and smiled.
“Cool jumper, isn’t that the one from under..” I stopped Isaac before he said the next word.
“Yes it is! And thank you” I replied as I leant over and punched him in the arm. He just laughed. I knew he wanted to stir me up.
“What’s wrong with you two?” Ruby questioned with a smirk.
“Nothing, I’m just joking around” Isaac chuckled.
“Right..” Ruby replied as she went back to staring at her phone.
I looked at Isaac with a big grin. He winked and put his headphones on.
I turned back around and also put my headphones on and listened to my KISS mix.

We arrived at school and all flowed off the bus. I felt Isaac come up behind me and grab my hand.
(Do not freak) I thought to myself as I breathed slowly.
I looked at him with promising eyes, “Thank you” I whispered. He just smiled.
We arrived at mine and Ruby’s lockers. Isaac released my hand, It was a bit sweaty so I wiped in on my jumper.
“I’ll see you guys at recess?” He asked before leaving.
“Yep” I said with a smile before he walked away.
(That’s a start) I thought is I sighed.
“I can feel some chemistry!” Ruby said as she bumped me on the shoulder.
“Shhh.” I smirked at her.
“You two should so kiss already” Ruby said jokingly.
“Please. This isn’t grade 7 anymore. Anyway..” I stopped to let her guess the rest.
“NO!” Ruby slammed her locker with excitement which drew a lot of attention our way.
“Settle down Rubes” I said as I locked my locker.
“Tell me tell me!” Ruby said, as keen as a 4 year old waiting for a surprise.
“Which time?” I said with a giggle.
“Oh Raine, Raine, Raine. We’ve got some major gossiping to do” Ruby said before she walked into her classroom.
I laughed and continued to walk to my class.
“Raine, I’ve never seen you so happy for ICT before!” My teacher said as I walked into the classroom.
I was still smiling, “Ha Ha Brian” I said as I took my seat at my computer. Our school isn’t on a first name basis but Brian’s last name is too hard to pronounce so we say his first name instead.

The hour of class passed quickly and I raced to the library to meet the others. My class was let out a little early so I was the first one there.
I sat in our usual spot and waited for the others. Raine was first to come.
“Tell me now.” She said as she sat down quickly beside me.
“Hello to you too!” I laughed and then cleared my throat. “Well, you know how Isaac and I caught the bus from town after school the other day?” I asked.
Ruby nodded. “Isaac and I ended up going to his house so I could play my record right? His house is super nice and I met his mum, she is the nicest person ever. Anyway.. We went into his room and listed to music. I got a start on my English work and Isaac, well he drew a picture… of me.” I rambled on.
“Awh that’s sweet! and?” Ruby said leaning in with excitement.
“And one thing led to another. I’ll tell you now he is a fantastic kisser!” I laughed, “then his brother walked in and kindly interrupted us” I said with a laugh.
“He’s got a brother you say?” Ruby giggled.
“Not for you Ruby!” I said as a tapped her on the face.
“ Ow! the next time?” She asked as she rubbed her face where I tapped her.
“That was last night” I paused “At my house” I resumed to say.
“Wow.. was your mum home?” Ruby asked in disbelief.
“Yep. He snuck through my bedroom window and we simply made out on the floor next to my bed” I laughed back.
“Shit are you serious?” Ruby laughed along. I nodded.
“SHHH!” We looked up and the evil dragon librarian lady was shooting us a putrid look.
“fuck you dragon bitch” Ruby whispered as she looked away.
I quietly laughed.
Isaac walked over and I blushed.
“What’s up?” He asked as he sat down.
“Raine was just updating me on the daily goss” Ruby said with a big smile.
“Oh really?” Isaac smirked at me.
“Yep!” I blushed.
I felt my barrier gently tumble down. (I can do this) I thought with determination.

After recess we went to our lockers. None of us had class together, Ruby went off to class and I walked with Isaac to his locker.
“What class do you have?” I asked as I held onto my books.
“I have art” He said smiling as he locked his locker.
“What are you doing in art?” I asked him.
“That is a surprise.” He grinned.
I looked at his gorgeous face and gave him a big kiss. I blushed as I pulled back but I wasn’t embarrassed. Isaac’s face lit up.
“I’ proud of you” He said and I took his hand and we walked to our classes.

I can do it, I know I can. Determination is the key.
I was feeling proud of myself and felt that a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. He makes me so happy, and I want to make him feel happy too!

(Sorry if you find this boring and a bit short. I lost my inspiration for a few days)

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