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I was walking through the hall towards my last class for the day dodging all the rough play and banter of other students. I walked in to my English class and took my seat in the middle row against the wall. The only good thing about this class is that my teacher is actually nice and the smart girl sitting next to me occasionally helps me out with my work. - We were studying love poems/stories and we had just started on an essay. There are two things I hate about essays. One is writing them, and two is the topic involved. You can guess what topic that was. Yep, Romeo and Juliet. Not my favourite romance story that's for sure. So as I sat here, ignoring my essay and the class around me. I found myself casually daydreaming of the new guy on the bus. The one with the orange hair and blue eyes. I noticed that I have pretty much thought of him for most of the day which is so unlike me. - My daydream was cut short. My teacher interrupted the class. "excuse me everyone but we have a new student" I looked up and my heart fell, not a bad kind of falling but a good one. "Welcome Isaac to the class, this is his first day so be kind!" I couldn't believe my eyes, it was him, the guy from the bus! I quickly scanned the room searching for free seats and wondering where she was going to seat him. There were only two free seats left, one of them being behind me but a few rows over and the other being right in front of me. This could be my lucky day!

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