Feeling Good.

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I woke up in the comfort of Isaac’s embrace. I noticed I was wearing nothing but his shirt and then remembered what had happened last night. I grinned widely but then felt embarrassed.
I looked up at Isaac and saw that he was wide awake.
“Morning” He smirked and kissed my forehead,
“good morning” I whispered nervously.
“you okay?” Isaac asked as he pushed my hair out of my face.
I paused for a moment before answering. I don’t know how I was feeling, I was happy, scared, nervous.
“Yeah” I finally replied.
“good” Isaac replied as I laid my head back down onto his chest.

I looked at the clock and noticed it was already 11:30, “shit..” I mumbled.
“what?” Isaac said sitting up.
“I need to clean up before my parents get home which should be soon” I said as I hurried out of bed.
Isaac grumbled with a smile, “I’ll give you a hand.”
Isaac got out of the bed, I turned around and he was naked. My eyes widened and he smirked greatly. I quickly turned away, my face was probably as red as beetroot.
“I’m not used to it either” Isaac chuckled,
I turned back around and he was holding my sheets against himself.
“what that or being naked” I laughed and pointed at it.
“um standing starkers in front of an incredibly stunning girl” He laughed and chucked on his jeans.
We both laughed and started to make my bed.
I came around to his side to collect the pillows and put them back on my bed neatly.
Isaac pushed me softly onto the bed and jumped on top of me,
“Isaac!” I giggled,
“Shhh” Isaac said placing kisses on my face and neck.
I groaned in a giggling way.
“you were good last night” He whispered through his kisses.
“really?” I blushed.
“really” he repeated with another kiss.
I pulled his face to mine and gave him a big smooch.
“now get off lover boy, I need to clean” I said as I pulled his shirt down on my body, it only covered half of my butt but I didn’t mind.

I grabbed some clothes and went to have a shower.
I stood in the shower for at least 5 minutes just thinking about last night’s events. I was smiling the whole time.
After drying my body and wrapping my hair up into a towel I emerged from the bathroom in my trackies and Led Zeppelin top.
I went back into my room and found it spotlessly clean. Isaac was nowhere to be seen.
I walked down the hall way and found him in the kitchen.
“what are you doing?” I asked as I saw him cooking up something on the stove.
“I thought you would like some pancakes?” He grinned.
“yum” I smiled. I went into the fridge and found some apple juice and poured two glasses.
I sat up on the bench watching Isaac cook away.
“where did you get the pancake mix?” I asked,
“I raided your cupboards” Isaac laughed.
“oh, no problems” I laughed along.

After breakfast and everything was clean in my room Isaac gathered his records and bag.
We made our way to the front door, it was now 1:00pm in the afternoon.
“Thanks for last night” I smiled and hugged Isaac tightly.
“My pleasure, thank you too” Isaac said with his arms wrapped around my waist.
We kissed and said our goodbyes.

I went back to the kitchen to wash up. I stood there in a daze, thinking about last night and how good it felt to lose myself to him. I was happy, very happy. Although I’m not looking forward to telling my mother.. Maybe I shouldn’t? Maybe I should let it go?..

I went back to my room and put on my Guns n Roses record. I laid on my bed and smiled gracefully.
I have never felt like this before. I wonder if I was really any good though? I mean Isaac could have been lying… Meh, I felt good and so did he.

*keys rattling* I suddenly woke up, I had dozed off for a few minutes.
“Raine?” I hear mums voice.
I went out into the living room and found mum and her partner.
“Hi mum!” I said and gave her a hug.
“Hello my darling” Mum said as she smacked a big kiss on to my cheek.

We discussed their little one night trip and then had some lunch.
“And what did you get up to whilst we were away?” Mum asked as she bit into her sandwich,
I took another bite of my food and just shrugged, “not much” I shrugged.
Mum glared at me.
“Isaac may have come over for a while..” I said nervously as I stuffed my mouth with food so I didn’t have to say anymore.
“Just a while?” Mum asked with tiny smirk.
“uh hum” I nodded as I chewed my food. No way was I saying anymore.
“Right” she replied as she cleared our empty plates from the table.

Mum settled everything in the kitchen. I think I did a good job at hiding the truth. Didn’t I?..
I went back to my room and messaged Ruby. I needed to tell her what happened.
“Can I come around?” I messaged her.
She didn’t reply for a few minutes which was unlike her.
“Yeah just out at the moment, I’ll be home in 20 :)” She finally replied.
“Okay, see you then :)” I replied.

I went and told mum that I was going to see Ruby and would be home before 5:00pm, She was fine with that.
I walked to Ruby’s house, It wasn’t really too far away.
I knocked at the door and Ruby answered.
“Hey!” She said gleefully and let me inside.
We wandered off to her room.
“I have some good news” I grinned.
Her face lit up straight away. She had a grin like the Cheshire cat off Alice in Wonderland.
This was going to be fun..

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