intro, cast + warnings.

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**just a quick disclaimer that I know a more popular author will be using the same name as my MC for one of hers. Please do not leave hate here accusing me of copying, this book started January of 2021. It's just a name, and this book was finished be forever that fic started. Please be respectful, this isn't a place for hate or nastiness!<\3**

Welcome to my first Harry fic:)

Trigger Warning// sexual assault, violence, explicit content, mature themes, descriptions of mental illness and disordered eating, drug use. (I'll put a trigger warning at the beginning of each chapter that might be triggering however don't hesitate to let me know if you've read something triggering without a trigger warning.)

I want to make it very clear I am not at all trying to glorify anything mentioned in this book. I write from experience and I know how frustrating it can be for someone to be acting as if these things are cute and trendy because they're not and should be taken seriously.

Please reach out if you are struggling. There's a carrd in my bio that I find useful, it might be useful to one of you too. My DM's don't work on here however you can find me on twitter @stopcryingbabyy and feel free to send me a DM if you need someone to talk to. You're not alone:)

Things will go slowly, it'll take a few chapters to get to certain parts of the story. I understand if this isn't your type of book so this is just me warning you that if you're not a slow burn story fan, you'll find this pretty slow.

This is purely fiction, no characters represent who they are in real life. Things might not add up and things might not make sense but this is an AU so it isn't real life.

I've planned the whole book chapter by chapter and I'm just gonna say... character development is key. (also Ive become so attached to my characters pls be nice to them unless it's one of the 'bad guys' hehe)

As for updates, I'm a full time student with a part time job and a burning passion for writing. That means I can't promise daily updates like some of your favourite authors but I have made quite detailed plans of each chapter which means the writing process should be  quicker and I'll update as regularly as I can.

Yes there will be smut but it's not a key part of this book so if you came here for that reason then I'll update the bottom of this chapter with a list of each chapter containing smut (obviously only the published chapters so there won't be anything until we get to that stage).

Last point, the first few chapter might be a little slow but it picks up:)

Added authors note.
This book does not contain the massively kinky smut you've seen in other books for reasons you'll find out throughout the story. So this is my reminder that there is nothing wrong with enjoying sex that doesn't include a billion kinks, because for some people the act of sex alone is a very daunting one for many reasons.

Shaming someone for sex that isn't kinky as fuck isn't nice as some people have boundaries and you need to respect them. Sex for some people is a task that has a lot of negative connotations, keep that in mind before you leave a hateful comment judging my characters.

I'm not writing what I would find hot during sex, I'm writing what makes sense for the story.

If you want to read a book full of smut, there are many others and I have a reading list with my favourite smut books.

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