chapter 77.

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Somebody grabbed his collar
He cried the whole way home
No one remembered a thing when they saw him again
That's how it is 'til the end

Harlow Dean

The second that door slammed shut behind Harry, I felt the panic cone swinging at me like a wrecking ball. I trust him, I trust Liam and I trust that they'll be okay, but that doesn't get rid of the anxiety I have coursing through my veins right now.

If something happened to Harry, I don't think I'd ever be the same. The way I feel about him goes beyond words and every time I've felt like this about someone they've left. If Harry leaves, I'm vowing to never love again, and I don't just mean romantically.

The fact they have a plan for if something happens to me is slightly terrifying, but the fact it's Josie makes it a little better. If something does go wrong, at least it's a friend who's coming to help and not just some guy who's come from a fight.

I didn't even look at what unread book of mines Harry gave to me so I could sit here and read without stressing too much, and only now am I realising he gave me the fucking notebook.

Wandering through to my office and sitting with the lights completely out, I'm still thinking of Harry and worrying about the outcome of this situation. If they lose and Josie doesn't get here in time, do I have to go with Daniel?

I really need to stop overthinking, because I'm gonna send myself down an ugly spiral and if I'm thinking positively, when Harry comes to pick me up again he's gonna be greeted with something I'm sure he doesn't want to see after a massive fight. So instead of overthinking, I decide to open the book and start reading, the first words in the book cutting a little too deep.

'Who am I? And how, I wonder, will this story end?'

Harry Styles

When we arrived at the location agreed for the fight, I was met by a large gathering of men all belonging to the very gang I'm in control of. Number wise, we have the upper hand, it's easy to see that and I don't think there's one of us who isn't ready to tear this piece of shit of a hang to shreds.

Upon arrival, I marched my way into the middle of them, peeking through the crowd to glance over at the smaller group of Vultures all gathered round Daniel who's dressed in a long trench coat, as if he isn't even taking part.  It wouldn't surprise me if he's getting other guys to do his dirty work, he's weak.

My gang of pythons face into silence and the space around me becomes emptied, showing that I'm here and that I've got something to say. The truth is I won't leave this fight with every single one of them, but I will leave with most, so whilst this is goodbye to some, it's a thank you to everyone.

"Tonight is the end of the vultures, but it's not the end of the Pythons." I tell them, pulling the sleeve back from my wrist to show the snake tattoo each and every single one of us have. "We're a family, and family stick together."

A few of them cheered, adding to the mass of adrenaline I have swimming through my veins and ridding me of any fear or anxiety clouding my mind. The four guys stood in front of me, nodding me on as I spoke because out of all these guys it's them who are my closest family, and it's them who know just how much we need to win this because of Harlow's sake.

"I know that I usually tell you all to play smart..." I smirk, "but tonight, we're playing dirty."

There were another few cheers from my crowd, and the ones that didn't cheer were all showing some form of excitement in their facial expressions or body movements. Playing dirty isn't something we do regularly, but in times like this I personally think it's completely justified.

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