chapter 68.

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Now then mardy bum

Harlow Dean

I've never been so angry in my life.

I feel so betrayed, Demi was one of the only people who felt like a friend. I trusted her with everything to do with Harry and it meant nothing to her the whole time. She was supposed to be my friend, that's what hurts the most.

She knew I didn't have many people in my life and she decided that she'd still betray me like that. I told her I had a half brother and she knew the whole time. I told her my cat was dead and she knew it was going to happen.

I could kill her.

That's if Harry let's me out of my office, that is.

He's made me sit in here all night because he's scared I'll do something I'll regret and apparently I'm too nice of a person to do something in the heat of the moment and regret it later. Funnily enough though, I still want to absolutely strangle her.

Every now and then Harry's pops in to see me but he isn't letting me go into the actual club because I haven't calmed down and he doesn't want me tearing her head off in front of everyone. I get where he's coming from, but I'm still mad.

Right now Harrys standing looking out the window with his hands on his hips, counting down the minutes until the club is closed and I can let all my anger loose because I'm so hurt and angry that she's done that to me. I don't know what makes me such an easy target, why do people always have to make me think they care about me and then leave?

I'm never trusting anyone ever again.

"Birdy come look at this." Harry tells me, motioning for me to come join him at the window.

That same window somebody threw a rock into when we first met...that was a strange time.

"No." I reply, arms crossed in front of my chest like a sulky teenager.

He turns round and raises his brows, followed by a slight laugh which is presumably at my childishness but I can't help it, I'm mad. I'm mad and I have every right to be, everyone in my life has betrayed me or left me or died.

I'm sick of being the one everyone leaves behind.

"I've seen that frown and it's like looking down the barrel of a gun..." he sings quietly, making a gun with his fingers and pointing it at me, "and it goes off." He shoots, followed by the shooting sound effect he made.

He's really singing the song mardy bum to me right now huh?

"Come 'ere." He asks again, a little more demanding this time. "Harlow the more you sulk the more your emotions will build up and explode."

I hate how smart he is sometimes.

With a sigh I stand up from the chair and wander over to the window with him. He wraps an arm round my shoulder and mines both snake around his waist as we both stand staring out the window at the sky.

There's no clouds in the sky, just the moon and a million stars. Perhaps one of those stars is my mother, perhaps one is Adriana and perhaps they've made friends up there. My angel and Harrys watching us from above, it's a calming thought.

"I told the stars about you." He says, squeezing my shoulder gently.

My emotions just did a full 180, my heart is now melting.

"The stars?" I ask, smiling back at him.

"I talk to them sometimes, it's stupid but I still do..." he admits shyly, "I told them about you."

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