TFP Knockout x Femme Neutral Cybertronian Reader x Bumblebee

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Requested by LuaKitsune. Hope you enjoy. This chapter is based before the war and Knockout and bumblebee are good friends.
Reader p.o.v

You waited on top of an old shelter. You had planned a attacked. And it was going to work. Cybertron was quite peaceful actually. Well yes, some places were more violent. But not where you lived and likes to hang around. You could hear a engine sound. Someone was driving towards you. No wait they were with two. You got down till you were laying flat on the roof. Preparing for attack as you waited for the right moment. A red with a nice design and a yellow sports car were now getting closer to the point you could attack. And when the moment was right, you jumped down. "HIAAA" you yelled as a surprise. Landing in front of the two Cybertronians. They both got on full brakes as they Transformed. "You sacred me this time" bumblebee said as he had one hand om his chest plating. You laughed as you looked over to knockout his expression. He showed his usual, 'really?' up. "That's not funny y/n" knockout said as he placed one hand on his hip.

"It slightly is when I see your reaction" you said with a smile. "This is the fifth time this solar cycle" knockout defended. But you knew knockout. He liked to overreact. "Well they are true about the way you react knockout" bumblebee said poking knockout his cheek. Which knockout replied by slapping his hand away. "Alright maybe" knockout said as you got between them and wrapped your arms around their shoulder. "How's it going with you to? Haven't seen you for a while" you said.

It's true. Times were changing and the peace was getting more disturbed by the solar cycle. You've met Bumblebee and knockout around a year ago or something. Your left arm had been malfunctioning when you were training. In the same training area were the two friends practiced their fighting skills. Not knowing the two mechs but still walking towards them as you asked for help. Both different characters but nice folks. You then found out knockout was more interested in the medical direction then being a soldier. That's were a different was between them. Bumblebee liked to be in the field. Compared to knockout who wanted to lap Cybertronians up.

You loved the way they worked together as almost one. Knockout hadn't got his medical certificate yet but still fixed your arm better then you'd had imagined. And the three of you have been sticking around ever since. The three of you went on long drives as you challenged who was the fastest. Or sitting on top of one of the highest buildings cybertron offered as you all consumed some energon. You snapped from your thoughts.

"Well there has been some opinions and disagreement" bumblebee said. "How so?" You asked. "There's a rumour Cybertron is going to be shattered in two. And there have been some small fights" knockout said. You took your arms away as you moved them behind your back. Walking to the left and right and back as you thought. "I have the slightest feeling something is off then" you said to conclusion. "I think it's happening from the council. If the folks are boisterous then there must be going something there" you said. To with knockout and bumblebee could agree too. "But why don't we go relax and have something to drink?" Knockout said as he slipped an arm around your middle. "Sounds good" you said. You could use some relaxation time with your two best friends.

"I'll pay yours y/n" Bumblebee said as he followed the knockout who was leading you towards the local bar. And you were never really on the relationship or love ship. Maybe that's why you couldn't answer their way of flirting. "You are to sweet" you smiled as you soon entered the bar. And today seemed to be not popular to be here. Because boy it was empty. There was one femme sitting at the bar and three mechs by the tables. Which were two sitting at one table and the other was at the other side of the bar alone.

You three sat down as you ordered the drinks for your pals. You did noticed your friends were more happy to see you. Maybe because it was longer then last time you saw them?. "You guys alright?" You asked. Since now bumblebee had been leaning a bit forward as his head was resting on his hands. He was sitting across from you. Knockout next to you. "Yeah why?" He asked as he sat back up straight with a soft cough of embarrassment. "Because you guys seem a bit off" you said. And as knockout wanted to say something the drinks got placed in front of the three of you. You thanked the one who brought them. "Well then. To us" as knockout raised his glass. You and bumblebee did the same as you all ticked eachother glasses. "To us!" You both said. As the three of you started to drink the energon.

Not knowing the friendship will get broken by war soon.

Hope you enjoyed it!
Word count 877

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