>Chapter 6<

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Hey guys! I just went to 100 viewers! Thank you so SO much for reading my story! I really appreciate it. At first I posted this with the hope that at least one person would read my story but now? Now I went to 100 views! You give me such power to continue writing. I love you so much guys! I wish I could give you all a hug. You ca always put suggestions down at the comments section. Anything you would like. And if you would like someone to talk with you if you ever have a problem my dorr is always open :) We are all a family after all. Here you go...Chapter 6 :)

Y/N's POV:

I went to my room and opened the hot water. I took off my clothes and prepared a towel. As soon as I got in and the hot water covered my body I got lost in my thoughts. Loki is not that bad. He just has a complicated way of thinking and looking at things. Yes, he did say some pretty bad things to me but I think that he is trying to hide a part of himself by mking others see someone else. This is not going to be easy. I have to come closer to him so that he trusts me but...How the hell am I supposed to do that when he calls me a pathetic mortal? Oh come on! You can't be soft with him! He is a villain. But what if he is not? And why do all the bad people have to be so hit?! I mean- While I was thinking I heard a door knock but it wasn't from the bedroom door. It sounded like...the BATHROOM DOOR! 

" Y/n? Are you in there?" A voice called out. I didn't know who that was because the water made noise.

" Yes! Who is here? I am taking a bath can't you hear it? Get the fuck ut of my bedroom!"

" Y/n it's me! Natasha! Relax, I won't open the bathroom door. Are you finishing or shall I wait for you outside?" Nat said.

" Oh, Sorry Nat. I thought you were someone else. No it's fine! I am coming right now."

I got out from the bath and covered myself with the towel. I opened the bathroom door and I saw Natasha looking at the photos I had on the wall. She was smiling looking at them. They are some phtos with the team but mostly with my parents. 

" So, did you want to say something?'

" Oh yea. I was thinking about that shopping day we would have today but as you see things didn't go as we planned so we are going tomorrow morning."

" MORNING?! NAT! You know that most of the times I don't wake up until 11!"

" I know Y/n but after that me and Wanda will leave. Tony wants us to go to a mini mission."

" Mini mission? What the heck is that?"

" A mission but not so importand."

"Ugh fine! But don't let Steve OR Bucky wake me up this time. I almost had a heart attack this morning because of them. And for God's sake DON'T.SENT.THOR! Last time he tried to sing for me and believe me it wasn't good AT ALL" I giggled but so did Nat.

" Alright I will send Peter as he wakes up early for school" Nat said smiling at me.

I nodded and with that she left the room. I got a message from a group chat:

( C is for Clint, P is for Peter and Y is for you so don't get confused)

'Sneak out'

C: Ok bitches! Get ready. We are leaving in 1 hour. Everyone will be at the living room for a musical movie night. That means that we can sneak through the kitchen and then INTO THE ELEVATOR WE GO! 

P: Wait! I have some questions. Since this is my first time sneaking out can we get some hot dogs? Also what should I wear? Black or something?

C: Of course not! We are getting french fries and ice cream. And yes. Wear something black but inside those black clothes wear something else. I will tell you later why.

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