>Chapter 12<

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In this chapter there will be a scene at the end, that is placed somewhere else so there will be no ones POV at that point. JUST a dialogue, but that will be different too. I didn't put names, just '?1' for the first person and '?2' for the second person as I don't want to tell you who those two are YET. I hope you understood what I said otherwise, you will as soon as you read it. If you still don't, then ask me in the comments. ALSO THIS CHAPTER IS WAY LONGER FROM THE PREVIOUS ONES. I'm so sorry for that. Thank you :)

Y/n's POV:

It has been 5 minutes since I woke up in one of the labs. I heared talking coming from outside, so I assumed it was Bruce telling the others about my health. I had a light headache, probably from my sudden move to sit. I remember everything from the mall. Our shopping, the bomb, the agents and those eyes. Those familiar eyes. I have seen that look again and sadly, I knew from where. I should have done something. I could destroy him and take the revenge I wanted but, instead of doing that I froze. I shouldn't have let him go.

" Omg Y/n! You are fine! I was SO worried!" A voice interrapted my thoughts. It was Thor. He immediately came running and gave me a big hug. His eyes were slightly red.

" Thor? Are you ok? Have you been crying?!" I asked, concerned for my best friend.

" Now that I know you are ok, I am. To be honest I have been crying because I thought I would never see you again." Thor said breaking the hug.

" Oh Thor it's ok. You can't get rid of me that easily." I said laughing and Thor laughed too.


" Clint, relax! I am fine. It's nothing. Just a small scratch." I said smiling at him.

" JUST A SCRATCH?!" Thor and Clint said in unison.

" Ok maybe not just a scratch but no need to get dramatic." I said holding their hands on each of mine.

" Next time be more careful please." Clint said.

" You didn't tell us...what happened there? You always are concentrated at a fight." Thor asked.

I would like them to know the reason but, something told me not to. They were my best friends and they deserved to know but this wasn't something easy for me. Maybe another day.

" I just got carried away. What time is it?" I asked.

" It's 2 o'clock. You have been uncontious for a while. We informed Peter too and as soon as he gets back from school he wants to see you. Anyways. I am happy that you are fine and I would like to stay but I have to go. It's my turn to get groceries. See ya" Clint said.

" See ya!" Both me and Thor said. As soon as Clint left the room Thor sat down on the chair next to me and turned his gaze on me.

" Y/n, may I ask you something?" 

" Sure. What is it?"

" What is happening between you and Loki? As you know Nat told us something and today when we went to look after him he asked why you weren't there. We told him and he looked worried. He normally doesn't care for others but this time...it was different. I don't hink I have ever seen him like this."

" Thor...I already told you. There is nothing between me and Loki. He probably doesn't even like me. He just acts like that. What happened at training was nothing. He just...fell on top of me with his face close to mine. We didn't kiss. And I believe that anyone would be worried if someone from here got stabbed."

How did you change me like that? (LokixReader)Where stories live. Discover now