>Chapter 31<

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Hey everyone! How are you all doing? I can finally update my story again! I had problems with Wattpad, it wouldn't let me update no matter what I tried but now here I am! I really hope you like the way the story is taking. I know it's not as long as the others, but I promise the next one will be. :)
I hope you enjoy...<3

 Third Person POV:

"Are you ready, soldier?" Vlad asked Bucky.


"Great, then follow me. Rumlow wants to see you before you go" He said and grabbed the Winter Soldier by his upper arm, walking him to Rumlow's office.

They knocked on the door and went in. Rumlow was sitting there going through some files and images.

"Welcome Winter Soldier. As you have been told, you are going on a mission that you must not fail or else, there will be consequences." 

"What about the Winter Assassin? Why is she not coming with me?"

"You won't need her. Besides, she will only cause problems if she leaves that cell. I need you to go to the center of the city. A location will be sent to you as soon as you leave this building. You will enter the building that we want you to and one of the door men will let you in, he is with us. You will proceed to walk to the 5th floor and into room F16. There, you will find an orange file in one of the cabinets. Get it and exit the building by ANY cost. If you need to kill then do it. If you need to jump from the 5th floor do it. DO ANYTHING THAT IS NEEDED...JUST DON'T DIE AND BRING ME THOSE FILES! Now, you may go and good luck."

The Winter Soldier nodded and started heading out of the Hydra base. A he was walking through the hallways, he passed from Y/n's cell. He saw her laying down, still passed out from the electroshock and the think machine around her neck still had that red light going on and off, second after second.

"You need to go" Vlad told him, approaching him."

"Why is she locked up like this? What s that machine around her neck?"

"This prevents her from killing us all and blowing up this whole place." 

"You are all to harsh with her. You just don't know how to control her. You just need to train her better or something...just...don't lock her up like an animal in the zoo"

"That is not for me to decide and not for you either. Go..you have a mission to complete"

The Winter Soldier left Hydra and got one of the motorcycles. As he was told, the location was send to him. He drove off for an hour until he was finally outside the building. He hopped off of the motorcycle and walked to the door. There was indeed a man that let him in with no problem or hesitation. He started going up the stairs until he was on the 5th floor. While he was trying to find the correct room, careful so that no one would have seen him a man witnessed him and recognized him as the Winter Soldier.

Tony's POV:

I was working on my Iron Man suit when Fury appeared on my computer.

"Tony, where are you?" He asked.

"I'm here."

"Good. Get your team, you have an new mission."

"Who and where."

"I'm sending you the location right now. As for who it is, take a look for yourself."

He showed me the video that he had been send...Bucky.

"But...I don't see Y/n."

"Exactly, they are not together so t must be easier for you to catch him. Go and don't fail. We are counting on you Avengers" And with that, my pc screen turned black once more.

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