Chapter 58 - About to Pop

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Steve's POV 

My life, as of late, has been an absolute whirlwind! And that's putting it lightly. I finished rehab a week ago and I couldn't be more pleased to finally feel like I did 9 months ago. 

Speaking of 9 months, a week from now, Nat will be 9 months pregnant! How time flies!

I must say, Nat has been an absolute trooper through all of this. Even if she was forced onto maternity leave. When we told Fury, we got a right royal scolding about not telling him sooner and the he forced Nat to not go on any if the missions with the team. 

I am secretly happy about this because the safety of the baby is my upmost priority. And I know that Nat feels the same, even if she is getting seriously cooped up in the Avengers Tower since. 

As if on cue, my beautiful wife waddled into the room and awkwardly plonked down beside me on the couch. 

"I feel like a beached whale all of the time!" She groaned as she tried to get comfortable. She was getting really big now. In fact, the doctor has said that Nat's stomach was significantly larger than most mothers, probably due to the fact that my super serum is at work creating a 'super baby' of sorts. Nat had been less than impressed at the idea of birthing a massive baby. I was pulled from my thoughts when I heard a yelp beside me.

"Ahh, your child better be a football player when they grow up, because they are getting heaps of kicking training in my stomach. Ah!" She moaned and I put my hand on her large stomach. I smiled when I felt the kicks, and immediately the baby settled. 

"Why is it that every time you put your hand there, the baby settles down! Why can't I do that?" 

"I guess I just have that affect on people." I teased, winking at her cheekily. She tried her best to glare at me before it melted into a smile of her own. 

"I wanna do something today. If I have to look at these four walls for another minute, I am going to lose it." 

"What do you suggest?" I asked. 

"How about we go baby shopping. The baby is almost here, and we haven't set up the nursery at all yet." She reasoned and I nodded slowly. 

"But we don't know the gender of the baby yet." 

"Doesn't matter, we can still get the essentials like a crib, change table, blankets and new born clothes. Besides, I just know that it is going to be a boy." She announced triumphantly. 

"Really, because I think that it is definitely a girl." I countered. 

"Fine, lets have a bet. If its a girl, I will let you have that revolting smelling 1940s energy drink that you seem to love so much. And if its a girl, you have to rub my feet." She proposed and I scoffed. 

"Cocomalt is amazing if you actually tried it. And you know that I am going to rub your feet anyway." I retorted.

"I know, but your feet massages are so good. But that drink smells putrid, it makes me nauseous. I don't even know where you get the stuff from anyway!" I just smiled and got up off the couch, leaning down to help her up too. 

"Let's go shopping."

*Time skip* Nat's POV 

We have spent the last few hours shopping, going from store to store getting supplies. We have already gotten almost everything that we need, the only thing left is some new born clothes. All of the clothes are so adorable and tiny

I glanced over at Steve and smiled at what he had held up to show me. A little jumpsuit with big writing saying 'Daddy's girl'.

"Fine, but only if you get this one too." I said as I held up an identical jumpsuit that read 'Daddy's boy'

"Okay." He said as he placed them in the shopping cart with the rest of the belongings. I felt a twinge in my stomach which caused me to frown. I must've eaten something this morning that didn't agree with me. 

"You know, I think we have everything." Steve told me as he guided the trolley toward the check out slowly, so that I could keep up. Between my swollen feet, aching back and abnormally huge stomach, I can't walk anywhere near the pace I used to. 

"Congratulations. Twins?" The kind lady at the counter said as she started to scan our items. I smiled in response. 

"No, just a super solider for a father." I told her and she looked between us confused for a moment before it dawned on her. 

"Oh! I'm so sorry! I didn't recognise you both immediately. So nice to meet you both!" She gushed.

"It's lovely to meet you too." Steve answered as I packed the clothes back into the trolley. I groaned as that twinge in my stomach came back again. A bit stronger this time. 

By the time we unpacked the shopping into the car and hopped in, I thought I was going to be sick. 

"You ok?" Steve asked as he clambered into the drivers seat. 

"Umm, yeah. I think I just ate something- aaah!" I cried, clutching my stomach hard this time. 

"Are you sure?" Steve asked in a concerned tone. 

"Yeah lets just go home." I breathed and settled down in my seat. 

The pain continued, getting gradually worse on our way back to the tower. It wasn't just a twinge anymore. They were full on cramps. 

We were about half way home when I felt something wet run down my leg. I looked down and gasped. 

"Steve. Turn around. We need to go to the hospital. NOW!" I cried as pain shot through my abdomen once again. 

"Wait what? Why?" Steve asked, turning around and following my requests anyway. 

"The baby is coming!" 

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