Chapter 11

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Adam's POV
Josephine didn't come to the dorm last night. I know because I couldn't even close my eyes . I'm pleased actually ,not because she was fucking somebody instead of sleeping ,because I had 8 or 9 hours to think. his beautiful voice and beautiful eyes are not going to leave my head for good . But I can't tell the truth ,tell him that I'm gay .I have to respect my promise to myself ,that I will show everyone who shut me out because of me being gay ,that this gay thing won't mess with my life again. it is though ,even how much I deny that ,it is. at least I have to try harder ,maybe girls could help... if I make myself a girlfriend ,then no one will doubt me being straight.

Alex's POV
I woke up with an amazing feeling ,she was on my lap and that was perfect !
We ate some breakfast and headed to our first classes.
Adam was in my every single class and it was awkward .we both kept avoiding any eye contacts and for the first time in forever we both succeeded .
I'm at harry's dorm step. I knock .
"Harry?" The door opens.
"Hey ,Alex thanks for coming" smiling ,he shakes his hand with me.
"Your welcome" I enter his dorm. noticing that the girl in his room is gone.
"You got a bitch for roomie too huh ?" I say and he grins.
"Yeah ... well you can't realize that with the first look cause she looks cute but a couple of days ago ,when I entered ,here was filled with men ,6 or 7 I guess and left when I came in .they were probably looking for her." we both give out a laughter.
"So before I start the lesson ,how is X factor going?" He blushes at my question .
"I's great actually .. Um ...I .. I guess and... and I made a friend!" The pink layer on his cheek deepens.
"Wow... how? I thought people are kinda enemies there!" I ask and he nods.
" Sort of ... you know some are friendly but the others think that they are the winners and act like they're celebrities." he has a disgusted expression on his face which makes me laugh a bit .
"Right ... how did he meet your buddy then?" he blushes again?
"He is not my buddy! Um ... we just met in the toilet .. I mean not in .... out of the toilet of course .. and ...and his name was louis Tomlinson i guess and he was a nice guy .he jokes a lot even though This situation is so stressful ... oh and he is two years older than me ." he smiles after his long speech.
"I wish you make good friends in there , more like louis." he nods while grabbing his physics books and bringing them to me.


"Bye harry ,good luck with everything . "
"Thanks Alex, I appreciate your help really .. thank you ."
"Your welcome ." We both smile and I Head to the restaurant .I am so hungry and it's eight already .my time flies when I'm with harry.

I grabbed a hamburger with cola and now I'm sitting on a chair alone and I'm pleased cause I like eating alone some how .

"Hey A...A...Allen ?"
The heck?

(Love you all . I won't post the next chapter till I get 3 votes for this chapter ;)) )

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