chapter 24

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Alex's POV
I remember in past ,it was air that kept me alive but now it's only the sweet, familiar sound of "beab" that keeps echoing in this empty, cold room... it's his smell that won't ever escape my paled nose... the wetness of his lips that hasn't dryed on mine yet...
six month past... six months and all I did was thinking ,thinking about every touch and every word ,every thing that meant something else to him, it meant a lot to him while for me, it was just some friendly shit. I was too stupid ,too blind that couldn't see whose life I'm destroying by my every move.
at first I was angry at him because I thought he was cheating on his girlfriend but then Carla told me everything .. I was relived, no more angry but sad and scared....
it changed everything...
he changed everything ...
my reasons for going to hospital ,hoping and praying for him to come out of coma changed.
my reason for touching him more and more every time changed.

people think ,me being there after the school time till midnight is because they would put charges on me if he dies and I'm sort of afraid but... they are wrong .. I'm here because this body laying cold on this white bed is the only thing in this world that makes my heart beat ..the small hope that he will wake up one day and kiss me while I kiss him back makes me eat ,drink or sleep just in case on that day ,I be alive and hug him with open arms.
each time the red spot appears on the screen I'm relived and when it disappears I'm praying for it to reappear ...
I even sing songs for him... the songs I know he will love if he could here it... if he could only here every lovely word I whispered in his ear in these months.. or every apology .. or even the sound of my tears dropping from my eyes to his... I would have reached my every dream in this world.
I think I've gone crazy some how... I keep imagining that what would have happened if we graduated from high school together .. would our parents accept us or we hade to run away to be together? ...would he be the big spoon and the top guy ? would we ever argue like husbands?
would we marry?
but then in the end of the day... I laugh at myself ...what am I dreaming of? even if he wakes up... he won't remember me or anyone... that's what the doctors say... they say that his head was hit so hardly and the whole damage was on his brain ... and if he comes out of coma ,he'll forget everything including his own name... even though the huge bloody cloth rapped around his head proofs what they say... I still have hope ...I still am stupid in off to have hope...
yeah I am stupid .. what was I thinking when I pushed him? why did I do that? was it that hard to admit to myself that I'm bisexual? I have done a lot of sins in my life yet... I haven't regret any of them more than this one..
the sound of "outlaws of love" fills the room,breaking the silence and my thoughts.
"hi it's Alex" I answer to the phone.
"Alex? honey where are you?" my mom asks... great.
"me... um... where are you?"
"at your school of course... you've made us proud son...4.6 is great..." what? ah.. damn ...was the last day of my school .so that's why everyone was so excited!
"Alex? Alex? where are you hun? I can't find you here." she continues.
"um... yeah I'm not at school."
"what?where are you? why your voice is like that? you skipped school? Alex?"
"chill out mum.. I'm ok.. I'm in the hospital ...visiting a fffriend of mind and I came here after school."
"hospital ...which hospital what happened?"
she screams.
the door opens and a nurse comes in with some papers.I stand up.
"Alex? I need to tell you something." the nurse says. she knows my name.. every one does... six months ,every day is long in off to know someone's name.
"yeah ...mum... the nurse wants to talk to me so I'll hang up ..bye." I say and hang up before hearing any other sound from her.
"yes.. miss.. what is it?" I say after hanging up.
"listen Alex... I'm not supposed to be here or say this but because I can see how much you care about Adam ,I couldn't stand there and don't say anything ."
"what? what should you tell me?" I can here my heart racing.
"um...see... the doctors are going to ..."
"they are going to what? "
" they are going to shut the machines off and let him die in peace."l

(I'm so sorry ...plz vote and comment if you like ADEX)

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