chapter 35

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Adam's POV
we are at the psychologist's shit and waiting for my name to be called.
people here are so creepy, I am picking at my jeans while watching them.
a girl is pulling at her hair, eyebrows and eye lashes.
a man is eating his nails while staring at the desk.
another boy is staring at the desk too but it seems like he finds it amusing cause he just won't stop giggling.
"I'm not like them Al." I whisper to my love. he smirks.
"of course you're not babe... you're more dangerous." he whispers into my ear.
I frown and look at my green,dirty converses.
"hey, I didn't mean it like th-"
"MR. CONNERS?" a nurse shouts coming out of the doctors room.
"yes?" I answer.
"please come in with your guardian." she says.
"my guardian?" I ask Alex as a whisper,while standing up to walk there.
he giggles and winks before entering the office.
"oh mr.conners ... what a pleasure to finally meet you." the doctor says. he has gray hair and eyes he is also pale and old.
I smile at him nervously while he looks at the X-ray pictures of my brain.
"curious curious" he whispers.
my smile fades quickly and I can feel Alex's cold(freezing actually) hands gripping at mine.
"wwwhat's curious sir?" Alex says nervously.
"this little part..." he puts the pictures on the desk and points to a small black part at the side of my head in it, my right temple to be exact.
"why that part is black? it should be white like the other parts right?" I ask while looking at him in the eyes.
he avoids my gaze.
"yes actually it should be but it's um... it's not." he says, looking at Alex while a few tears escape my eyes.
"what does that mean doctor?" Alex asks and I realize that he is crying too.
"well it means that that small part as you can see is is completely out if your.... your control and it's exactly your.... your emotional part and it may grow if you don't do what I say..."
(I'm sorry it's short but I'll update soon .I promise 😉)

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