Chapter 3

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Alex's POV
"Be careful honey." she leans toward to kiss me but I jerk away.she frowns a little but smiles quickly. I roll my eyes and get out of the car, actually my dads new black Porsche ! I look at the schools entering door. its huge ! So mouth closes when he hands me my suitcase with a shamed face .I get the feeling they had some talks in the car. i take the suitcase and his hand interrupts me from heading to the school door.
"Alex ! Stop acting like a child .all I do is for your own good son!" I roll my eyes and turn to face him.
"That's the problem ! I'm not a child anymore and I know What is good for me and what's not! It's not my problem you can't have anymore babies so stop acting with me like one! "I snap and walk away quickly .I get a little bad feeling cause I can't see them in nine months but they deserve it... they so deserve it! I spot Josie from the crowd and change my way to her .
Adam's POV
"We are there ." my mom says,no interest in her voice!
I give them a glare before opening the Prado's door.
I take my suitcase and guitar and head to the huge door.
"We will miss you Adam !" She says then puts her a hand in his.
I don't even turn around! I just stop for a few seconds then walk even faster.
No way! I feel a hand on my guitar!
"Hey dude .. nice guitar..."
"Back off ..." I bark and turn around ...I feel my eyes soften. no no no keep your anger ,keep it please.
"Don't touch it" I continue not as harsh as I was a second ago.
"Wow dude.... ok...chill out."
I ignore him uhh I hate him and his tall ass blonde bitch already.
I'm heading to my dorm right now .it didn't take much time to find my dorm.
Gosh I'm so tired and afraid that who will be my roommate. these thoughts drives me crazy! Why should I always be afraid of people not accepting me in their crowd? Why people can't just understand who I am? Why should they always shut me and the people like me out? I can't help but ask these questions from myself . I barely talked to anyone in three months except my guitar of course .it's all I have !
I don't know how to face people specially boys ,I'm afraid what will they do when they realize that I'm gay... I wasn't like this three months ago! How can a person change completely in only THREE MONTHS ?
I push the questions and thoughts back in my head as I finish throwing my clothes and books into the wardrobe. it's nearly ten in the night but my roommate hasn't shown up yet! Actually I'm quite pleased that I don't have to face her now cause I'm too tired to think what to say.
I don't know what shit is wrong with this fucking school that puts one girl and one boy in one dorm. the "make teenagers get into reality and social relationships" shit is fucking stupid. why should they choose for us !
Oh mother fuck .
These sweat pants smells like home .. no way ... I'm not missing home! I shouldn't miss home ! This is my home ! I should go to sleep and don't think about these shit twice .tomorrow is a big day! It has to be ...
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