Chapter 47

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Alex's POV

"DAD?"I yell in pure shock and disbelief .. shouldn't they be some where else?
I hurried to pull the duvet on both of us and then I saw all three of their jaws are on the ground.

"W-what the-" he whispers.

"Dad I'll explain just-" I pulled my boxer and trousers on, under the duvet, so did Adam .

"HE.IS.A.BOY." he hollers.

"Yeah dad you just-"

"You're GAY?A faggot? whore? My son?"

"No dad-"

"Yeah dick.." Adam cuts me off. OH NO.

My dad rushes to me and raises his hand up in the air.

I shield myself with my hand and wait for the impact meanwhile Adam gets out of my bed and stands up in front of me and grabs my dad's hand.

A single tear escapes my eye... just because I'm gay? But I'm his son.

"Get your hands off him." he says through greeted teeth.

He laughs bitterly."and who are you?"

Adam lets out a devilish laugh and pushes my dad to the wall with a thud.
"I'm his psycho boyfriend." he laugh again before balling his fists and punching my dad in the guts.

I hear my mom scream at the background of this scene so I rush to her.

"Mom go downstairs .. I'll handle this please."
She ran downstairs ,crying.

I go back to Adam still punching my dad.

"Ad stop you're hurting him."

He laughs like a maniac." that's exactly what I want to do."

Tears run down faster.

"Adam you can't ,he is my dad... please don't please." I beg and sob harshly griping his shirt.

He stops and turns to me as my dad falls on the ground, blood dripping from his mouth and nose.

"Dad" I yell but before I can kneel beside him and help him, I'm shoved to the wall across from this one.

"You love your daddy more than me?" He yells angrily, his kind coal black eyes are burning with anger and he is shaking wildly.

"No Adam, I love you please... I beg you ... leave him alone." I sob louder.

He laughs again, his laugh is very scary and devilish.

"Sure I will BABY." he spits but then he kicks my dad over and over while I can't move a muscle ,my boyfriend that I wanted to propose today os hitting my dad wildly and I can't do anything but stare.

He suddenly lets go after a few minutes.

But he attacks the nightstand with his feet and growls angrily until a piece of wood falls onto the floor and thats when realization hit me.

I run as fast as I can to my dad and shield him... he is growling lightly, blood dripping from his face to the floor.

Adam comes near is, smirking.

"Adam... you ...should take your pills." I say, scared that might I say something wrong.

He slowly walks to us like a psychopath .. oh wait ... he is a psychopath.

"Get out of my way." he says through gritted teeth.

"A-a-adam... p-p-pleas-" I can't finish my sentence .. you know why? Because the sharp wooden sticks hits my face and once again shoves me against the wall.

I feel blood dripping from my nose with a stinging pain on my face.

But that's it... I watched it ... I watched what Adam did....
The scene that I know will never leave my mined.

The boyfriend that I wanted to propose today .... drives the sharp stick straight into my dad's heart... a small piece of the wood sticks out of his chest as he moans to death...
He is dead...

My dad is dead.

Who killed him?

My boyfriend..

No wait ... a psychopath ...

My dad was killed by a psychopath.

I don't feel anything .. I can't feel anything.

I just stand up, ignoring my pain and attack him with my balled fist in his guts... then his dick.

He doubles over and everything seems like a slow motion movie.

He doubles over but meanwhile drives the bloody stick out of my dad's not rising chest and into my guts.

Pain and blood spreads at my stomach while his expression changes from wild and angry to sad and guilt.

That's the last thing I see before the darkness drowns me in itself.

(A/N: yeaaaah sooo what's up? I KNOW please don't kill me for killing Alex and Alex's dad but good news this story will finish in 6 chapters so whoooo... I love you all please vote and comment ..)

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