chapter 36

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Alex's POV
I feel my hands shaking.... my head spinning and my heart dropping, cold, knowing the fact that it was all my fault.
"what should I do?" Adam's words breaks my thoughts.
"well you should take these pills witch keeps you calm and you should stay away from anything that makes you angry or sad.... plus you shouldn't laugh too hard either.... then you and the peace near you will be alright." he smiles giving a pack of pill to Adam.
"well that worth it I guess.... thank you doctor-"
"what about sex? should he stay away from any orgasm or sex too?" I cut Adam off.
"well.... not every sex... just sexually assaulting ....I mean he shouldn't sexually assault anyone and should be sexually assaulted." he smiles again and I can see the happy ness in Adam's eyes.
we thanked him again and paid for the visit.
we are walking out the door.
"phew ... it wasn't that bad I guess." my baby says.
"you mean the part that we can have sex ?" I say smiling.
"maybe that part too." he says and takes one of those white pills.
I laugh at him.
"did you bring the swimming shorts?" I ask raising an eyebrow.
"yup, why?" he says turning to face me.
"cause we're gonna have fun." I say while stopping a Taxi.
"A WATER PARK?" he literally screams.
"yeah ,you don't like it?"
I smile.
"so let's get in there." I say and step in the line of people waiting to get their tickets.
"your name sir?" the flirty girl asks and I wrap my arm around Adam's waist only to proof a point.
she frowns so that means it worked.
"Alex Gardner" I say ,pretty proud .
" Gardner's son?" she asks and I swear I can see her heart coming out of her chest.
"yes lady." I smile, gazing at my love proudly .
"oh well ... you should go to right and here is the key to the door." she says, faking a smile.she hand me the key.
I can feel Adam's eyes widening.
"so let's go." I say as I turn to face his shocked expression.
"yeah.... my dad owns here." I explain why as we walk to the door.
he opens his mouth to speak.
"and we are going to a private part in the water park so we'll be alone.." I say .. he closes his mouth, smiling ,which means I answered his question already.
we reach the door and I pull it open after pushing the key inside the hole.
(please vote and comment ....I love next chapter BTW💁🏻💁🏻💁🏻)

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