chapter 34

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Alex's POV
A-hey is there doctor Manson's office?
D-yes sir it's me
A-oh well I'n asking fir an appointment for Mr.Adam Conners?
D-well can you say the problems so I can see where to put the appointment?
A-ok.. um... you see he had an accident and he was in coma for 6 months but the point is that the doctors said there was 0% survival for him but just before they shut the machines off ,he woke up like nothing happened and at first we were happy but then we realized that he goes... um.... goes psycho some times and-
D-what was his name again?
A-Adam Conners.
D-and are you related to him.
A-yeah... um... I'm his boyfriend.
D-oh ok so because I love to meet Adam as soon as possible ,you can come to my office tomorrow 12:30
A-that ok thank you.
D-your welcome ,it's my job.

Adam's POV
I enter his room nervously .
"hey um... dad. I'm so sorry... but you have to listen to me first."
I say after entering the room, watching my dad laying on a bed with my mom one side and brad in the other.
"I wish it's a good reason for stabbing me." he says.
"well um... I came out of coma like nothing happened but the truth is that some thing is wrong with me..."
I pause for making it more horrifying.
"I'll go psycho some times."I say. my mom starts crying.
"what times?" she asks ,sobbing .
"um... me and Alex are still figuring it out but there are some few times that you shouldn't mess with me or the results will be like death or something."
"can you say in which moments?" my mom asks still sobbing.
"it's actually a 'must not do' list and it contains not making me angry or not saying something twice and not making me sensitive like sexually or shit."
"oh my god... my boy... why did this happen to you?" my mom says, putting her head on my shoulder I mean since I'm taller.
my new iPhone buzzes in my pocket.
I giggle ,he already saved his number in my iPhone .. Al babe... smart kid.
I check the message:
"tomorrow 12:30 be ready at 12 ... oh 'am' not 'pm' 😉 "

"settled Al babe😘😘😘"
I ripely.

"oh and bring swim shorts😘😘😘 don't ask? it's suprise😂😂😂"


"who are chatting with?" my mum asks, disappointed.
"it's um Alex and don't worry I got an appointment for a psychologist and it's tomorrow.... I'll be ok." I hope... I add quietly .

"bro? can you play with me?" brad asks.
"sure buddy... let's go." I smile and ruffle his hair.
(hay .... enjoy...sorry if it's short😝😝😝 i love you all)

Psycho love (evan peters AU)Where stories live. Discover now