Chapter 2

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Alex's POV
"REALLY? Are you joking with me babe?" I say to Josephine on the phone.
"No baby .why should I do that ? I'm placing my last cloth in my suitcase ,it's that red top ,the one you love!" She replies.
"Oh Josie it's more that a dream for me! I was terrified the other day that how would I stay alive at that boarding school ,alone."
"I knew you would be happy." She giggles
"Happy? Seriously? I'm having wings right now!"
She giggles harder.
"Alex? Hang that phone up before I break it myself!"
My dad yells .I'm so sick of his threats ... so SICK .
"Sorry sweetie ,dad coming! Gotta go... bye ..."
"Bye babe ..." I hang up and take my dark green suitcase and guitar to the hall .
"I hope you have a nice year sweet heart ." my mom cups her hands on my cheeks ,I love it when she does that but no way in hell I'm going to admit that. after some seconds I push her hand off my face.
"Thanks mom .I hope I have a nice prison too." I roll my eyes .my dad enters the hall with his stupid ,un-bottomed
,blue shirt.
"What is that ?" He shouts while pointing to my guitar. oh no...
"Alex give that to me now."
"Give what? No" I nearly scream .I will cry any minute .
"Oh son ,why do you think I'm changing your school? You think I like spending money on a god damn boarding school? Or letting you have more time to practice that junk? I want to keep you away from these things son, I want you to be somebody. now give me that damn guitar before I do something stupid ." he steps forward and I step back.
"No dad...please...It's my life."
"I told you give it to me " he shouts. oh my god this is not going to end good .
"No..." my voice is shaky .I hide my guitar behind me .
He comes closer each second and I'm panting .I hit the wall behind me .there is no way to escape.I feel the warmth of the tears as my guitar is pulled away from me.
"No..." I hold the collar of his shirt but it's too late ,my guitar is teared apart ,falling to the ground.
"Oh no " my mom screams .
She is crying, so am I .
"What did you do ? Are you crazy?" I scream as loud as possible .
"Yeah I'm crazy! I'm crazy to see how will your life go on without this !" He leaves the hall to the garage and I try to gather the pieces but it is impossible! He crushed it to thousands of pieces by tabbing it on the floor only twice! I feel like my heart is on the floor but as the thought of crying and pounding in front of this monster disgusts me , I take it up and place it back to my chest. I take my suitcase ,whip my tears and head to the garage ignoring my mom's hands on my shoulders .
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