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       🎶I heard that you a.      gang-gang-gangsta
             Not one to try to sa-sa-savor
            Always focus on your paper
         Don't got time to wager with your heart
           I'm tryin' to switch up your cadence
           Book flights and vaca-ca-cations
              Tequila and rela-la-lations
             Kissin' on new places, oh whoa

          Baby, let me change your life🎶🎶

    Cruising through these cold weather streets singing my heart out. I couldn’t help but think of my baby. Who would have thought Larry and I would be engaged and getting ready to get married with two beautiful babies? They say you never know who supports you until you start to receive your blessings. After I had the twins and the shit that happened with Rachel, I became a stay at home mom. It was great at first, but then I got bored and started getting into shit. Not bad shit per say, but let’s just say everyone got new bedroom sets, kitchen renovated the whole nine yards. Of course, Larry thought I had lost my damn mind.
In hindsight, we did just have a new house built so why not get new stuff. He did not agree with that logic at all. So, I decided to start my own interior decorating company in combination with flipping houses. You know I put my girls in on it as well, even got the support of my newfound sister-friends. When I spoke to Larry about it of course he was skeptical about it, but once I gave him the rundown of my business plan’s he was on board. After that things started to fall into place. That was until I got the worse news ever……….

“Vaun, get your sister she won’t listen”
Not paying me no mind he continued to play with his toy. He was my chill baby, just like his father. Unless you were a girl with big titties, then he was all smiles and laughs. I swear he was his father’s twin in the look’s aspect, Larry was the opposite in being an ass man. Shit was beyond me. After finally getting my silly little girl ready for bed, I turned on some soft music and got ready to feed miss greedy.

“Alright come pretty girl”



“Yea, come in"

    Rubbing my finger lightly across her forehead, she smiled up at me. I can definitely say she was my little diva. For her to be one years old, she will most certainly let you know if she like it or not. If it is not to her liking she will fuss and holler until you fix it.

“Hey baby, what you doing?”

“Oh nothing, just getting them ready for the night. What’s going on with you?”

     Looking up at my mom I could tell something was wrong. I knew she was trying to tell me something but not really tell me. Walking around the she peaked over at Vaun who I would assume was sleeping just because she was able to take his favorite toy away. You try to take it away when he’s awake you in for the fight of your life. I felt the energy was off but I couldn’t quite tell why.



“Aye sis, I need you to take a ride with me”

“A ride where? Do you know what time it is?”

“I need you to go with me somewhere”

“Go where?”

   I was trying to not to yell and disturb my baby girl, but he was really getting on my nerves.

“Sis, please just ride with me”

  Hearing the way, he asked me, I didn’t know if it was his tone or the way it came out. I knew I had to go. Taking Vanna out of my hands I kissed her forehead and made my way out the room. Passing by my brother, he didn’t even want to look at me. Turning on my light, I grabbed my phone to see if I had any missed calls or text messages.

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