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   It's been a few weeks since K.C pulled that little stunt at the company picnic. Every since then he would post little cryptic shit on Instagram and Facebook. How I found him? I was on Facebook one day and Rachel came up in my people you may know. Of course, I was nosey and went to snooping through the pictures. Most of them were of the kids, until I saw an anniversary picture them. Her caption was cute. "When You Have A Queen, You Hoes Don't Compare", got to say the picture was cute. They both had on a crown, he was standing behind her admiring her. Not going to lie, a part of me did wish it was me. I did friend request her. Digging a little deeper I saw he had a Facebook page. I didn't friend request him in there. I just looked really, he didn't really have that many pictures up. After that I just said to hell with it. Every since then I have been doing me. I don't know what I was thinking of trying to pursue someone who is not mine.

Getting out of my dreamland, I gathered up my file's and headed down to the copier before someone else got to it. Making my way down the aisle I noticed Larry's office door was opened. Walking pass, I could smell his cologne at the door. Now that was one sexy ass man, and on top of that he was competing with Rachel for to be the Senior VP. If you ask her she already has the job. Giving him a gentle smile, I kept on my way. Just as I hit the corner the office gossip Janet was standing there more than likely telling somebody business. Not paying her any attention, I slid past her and started making the copies that Rachel needed for her presentation.

"Hey Rae, you look cute. I like them shoes?"

Cursing myself I was really trying to not be seen.

"Oh hey Janet. Thanks."

"I'm going to need to go shopping in your closet. You always have the cutest shoes."

"Yea, you not the only one."

Rolling my eyes upward, I couldn't wait to be done. I knew if I stayed any longer she was going to ask if I heard the latest rumor. Out the corner of my eye I saw Larry heading this way. I swear I would love to take him for a ride one day.

"Hey ladies."

"Hey Larry."

Batting her feathered eyelashes, I just knew she was going to fly away.

"Can't speak?"

"How are you Larry?"

"I'm good. Be even better of you let me take you out."

Swallowing the lump in my throat, him being next to me was making me hot. It didn't make it any better that I haven't had any good dick in a while. Taking in a deep breathe, I was glad that all the papers I needed was done.

"Now you know, I don't mix business with pleasure. It can get messy."

Straightening out the papers, I made my way back to my desk so I can finish these packets. Putting a little umph in my walk, I had to give him something to watch. Sitting the papers down, I remembered I had to ask Rachel which appointments she needed me to cancel. Lightly knocking on her door, I didn't want to be loud if she was still on the phone. Peaking my head in she definitely wasn't on the phone. Standing there in shock she was standing there getting backshots from K.C. Looking up our eyes met, smirking at me decided to put on a show I guess. It would have been sexy if Rachel didn't look all awkward. Sticking his tongue out, he winked. Chuckling to myself this was a poor way of making me jealous. Closing the door back, I figured I would let him have that one. Sliding back in my chair I continued on finishing up these packets so I could go home. Smelling his cologne I knew he was standing I front of me before I even looked up.

"I think you should reconsider."

Sitting on the corner of my desk, he was making it real hard to not say yes.

"Oh yea? Why is that?"

"I think would look good on my arm. Plus I want to get to know you."

Just as I was about to respond Rachel's door came open. Coming out her office you could tell she just got some. Shaking my head I refocused back on what I was doing.

"Oh hey, Raven I thought you were gone for the day?"

"Nope, I wanted to finish these up first."

Elbowing K.C in the stomach, I knew she was trying to figure out if I knew what they were doing.

"What are you doing over here Larry? I know you are not trying to steal my assistant again?"

Putting her hand on her hip, this was going to be good.

"Trust, I don't have to steal her. If she leaves it will be by choice."

"Well that's not gonna happen, so you can keep it moving."

"I will let her be the Judge of that. Everybody knows that she makes you look good."


"Ok, that's enough I'm sitting right here."

"Anyway, Raven I wanted to ask you if you wanted to come to a get together we are having this Saturday?"

"Umm, I don't know."

"Aww come on, it's going to be a couples thing."

"I'm definitely not coming. Don't have anyone to bring."


"If she can't come then she can't come baby."

Kissing her cheek, I knew he thought I wasn't coming because of him but he had another thing coming. Seeing Larry getting ready to get up and leave, a thought crossed his mind.

"You know what?, hold that thought. Hey Larry, wanna come to a get together with me?"

"Yea, that's cool."

"We will be there."

Rolling his eyes I knew he was pissed off. So what, he wanted to play these games then let's play.

"Well, I'm not happy that its him but it's cool."

"You know I love you."

"Yea, Yea, Yea, let me walk K.C out and I will be back."

"Ok take your time. Nice seeing you again K.C."

Waving at him, I was going to show him that I was not the one to play games with.

"I'm going to get outta here, have a good night Ms Raven."

"You to?"

Watching him get on the elevator, maybe Larry could be the distraction that I needed. Shrugging my shoulders, I responded to a couple more emails and checked the calendar  for new things coming up. Hearing the elevator ding, I saw Rachel getting off fixing her clothes. Shaking my head, she was so awkward when it comes to showing PDA. It was actually kinda cute.

"Did you finish up everything?"

"Yea, everything is done. Oh wait before I forget, which clients did you want me to cancel?"

"Don't cancel them, just reschedule them."

"Ok got it, did you need me anything else?"

Feeling my phone vibrate, I would just call whoever it was back when I got to the car.

"No, I'm good. See you tomorrow"

"Ok be safe. Don't stay too long."

"I'm not."

Shutting down my computer, I grabbed my bags and was out. Jumping on the elevator, I couldn't wait to call the girls and tell them about this asshole. I could already hear their response. Making it to my car, I loaded everything up and was on my way out. Checking my phone before pulling off I was not surprised by the message I got.

xxx-xxx-xxxx: You real funny.

Me: Nah you the funny one

Turning my music up I was on my way home.

"Ha, Silly Rabbit Tricks Are For Kids"...........

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