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   I don't know why the fuck I let that punk ass nigga K.C get in my head. I picked up on the subliminal shit he was talking. I tried not to let it get to me but shit was starting to add up. The way he watched her and moved around her. It wasn't because he was trying to be her best friend. His action was of a nigga that either had the pussy or was getting the pussy. I honestly didn't want to think that Raven would be doing some grimy shit like that. Especially when she got pissed about my situation.

Damn when she walked off the elevator, I felt my soldier stand at attention. I was really hoping and praying that she was carrying my child.



"Umm Hellooo, earth to Larry"


"Did you not hear me?"

"My bad, what you say?"

Giggling to herself I didn't see anything funny. Crossing her legs, she was really trying to lay it on thick. I know shorty was trying to taste the dick. I mean who dick she hadn't tried to taste. On the same token, shorty is about her business.

"Janet, what I tell you about sitting on my desk and trying to show me your titties?"

"Well for one, I was trying to get your attention. Two these babies have a mind of their own"

"Yea, well get down and tell me what you were saying"

"I was telling you about your meeting with Mrs James as well as you need to sign off on these papers so we can start going into production"

Signing off on the documents I had to say something to her. At the end of the day she was still my lady.

"Alright, I'm about to head to the conference room"


Putting my suit jacket on, I locked my computer and grabbed my phone. Making my way to the conference room I could see Rachel office door was still closed. Just as I was about to head inside, the office door opened and I damned bear ran into the man delivering the water. I just noticed how my baby was starting to get a little thick in the thighs. I wasn't complaining because I loved when they around my face. Saying fuck it I went over to speak…………

"Can you let the elevator doors go? I'm ready to go home"

"Only if you listen to me"

"You have until these damn doors open again and I walk outta here"

"Ok look, I just need a few minutes to explain and put everything out on the table"

"Okay talk"

Stepping inside I didn't think it was going to be this hard. I mean just the look on her face, I could tell she was not with the shits today. Getting my thoughts together I let her know what I was feeling and everything that has led up until this point.

"So, basically you let another nigga get into your head and instead of coming to me. You took it and ran with it. Without asking me anything…...ok cool"

When she put that way, it did sound like a bitch move. Even still I didn't like the way that mutha fucka was moving and acting around her.


Walking out of the elevator I couldn't tell what kind of mind frame she was in. At least I was trying to be honest with her right? Women always say that men never talk about what they are feeling. So here it is.

"Say something"

"Say what exactly? Clearly you have doubts, but I'm going to make this easier on the both of us. When I have my child in the next five months, I will call you for the DNA test. Until then, we have nothing to discuss"

The moment she turned around the elevator door closed. Leaning my head back, a part of me wanted to say fuck it and just ride the wave but then the other part is wondering if its mine. Pressing the button to go back upstairs, I felt really shitty. I really wanted to go back and hug to let her know that I'm here. Then again I did hear that pregnant women got the hercules kind of strength.


Holding on to my cross I said a silent prayer hoping that I was wrong. Gathering myself I walked off and went to handle business.


It's been a few days since I told Raven what I was feeling. When I say she was staying true to her word that shit was an understatement. Rachel told me she was handling things from home since her doctor told her to take it easy for awhile. She also told me that she was miserable. Buting on my pen, I was really trying to get back in her good graces.

"You know what? Fuck this shit"

Checking the time it was still early in the day. Which means that I had time to run to the house and change and run to the store.


"Aye, Janet come into my office please"


Cleaning off my desk, I made sure I brought all the paperwork that ended my attention with me.



"You wanted to see me?"

"Yea, I am leaving out of the office for the rest of the day. Move all meetings to Monday, I will be working from home the rest of the day"

"Ok, what about the presentation?"

"Fuck, I forgot. Hold on"

Grabbing my phone I was praying she was going to answer.




"Aye Rachel I need you to take over the presentation for me. I'm going to be out the rest of the day"

"Ok. Is everything alright"

"Yea, everything good"

"Ok I got you"

"I'm still going to conference in. I just have something to take care of"

"Alright, well I will see you Monday. And be careful it's raining out"

"No doubt"

Hanging up the phone, I could tell Janet wanted to be nosey. She knew better than to ask though. Not since I got in her ass about that she pulled with Raven at the last meeting.

"Rachel is going to handle the presentation, while I conference in"

Running a mental checklist, I didn't want to forget about anything. After giving Janet the rest the things I needed her to take care of. I was out and on my way to make a certain pregnant woman feel better.

When Rachel said it was raining, she didn't tell me it was a freaking monsoon outside. Luckily enough I still had one of Ravens garage openers. Pulling into her driveway, there was a car already there. Making it into the house I heard voices coming from the living room. Strolling in I was praying to God she didnt have another nigga in this house. No sooner, I could see a pair of timbs sitting by the front door.

"What's up?"

Walking around the couch, she was sitting there with her laptop in her lap, blanket wrapped around her with her glasses on.

"What are you doing here Larry?"

"Came to see you, but it looks like you already have company"

"What's it to you?"

"Stop playing with me"

"Who playing?"

"Man, what's up bruh? Who you? I'm her brother Reggie"

"Yea, I heard that line before"

"I bet you have. Probably used it a time or two"

"Yo, Boogie kill that. Naw my nigga I'm her real blood brother"..................

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