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   Putting the finishing touches on Rea's surprise gender reveal, I really hoped she was going to like it. I wanted to do something for not only my assistant but a sister. Hell she even more of a friend to me than them other heifers. She finally got clearance from her doctor to come back to work. Of course everyone was shocked when she came back with a pregnant belly. So naturally the rumors started, but thank God she is handling like a grown ass woman. I'm not going to lie, it's been hard as hell keeping this secret from her. I even reached out to her brother who by the way is sexy as hell, and he got some of her family and close friends.



Larry: hey, the party is Sat right?

Me: Yupp

I was really hoping Larry was going to make it in time. I knew he had to go on that trip to meet with another potential client.



Larry: Alright cool. I should be back by then. What time it starts?

Me: Two o'clock and be careful coming back.



Larry: Do you need me to do or get anything?

Me: No, everything is good. Oh, before I forget it will be at the Botanical Gardens.



"Come in"

"What's up love?"

"Hey baby"

Swaggering in I could tell he was high, drunk or probably a combination of both. Honestly he still looked damn good. For someone that's kicking forty in the ass you couldn't tell. Thinking back we had the best sex when he was high and drunk.

"What you still doing up?"

"Finishing up these few little things for Raven's party"



Larry: Bet, if you do need anything just let me know.

"Who you over there texting?"

Before I could get a word out he snatched my phone out of my hand.

"What in the hell? I'm texting Larry about Ravens party crazy ass. Give me my shit"

Tossing my phone back at me I guess he didn't find anything to bitch about.

"Why you texting him this late anyway?"

"Maybe because he is her child's father so he needs to be there"


Giving him a side eye, I caught the subliminal message he was putting out there. My whole thing is how would he know if her baby wasn't his. I mean I understand those nosey ass people at work starting some shit but him no. I know she wasn't confiding in him, something in the water wasn't right.



xxx-xxx-xxxx: What's up with you?

Me: Hey

Looking over at K.C he was passed out on the couch. Stretching my body I got up and placed the blanket I had on the back of the couch over his body. Shutting everything down, I lightly closed the door not wanting to wake him up. Stopping in the kitchen I grabbed me a water out the fridge and headed upstairs. Peaking in the kids room they were sleeping so peacefully even was spread out in the middle of the bed. Both had the nerve to have one hand in their pants. I couldn't help but shake my head because they looked just like K.C ass.

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