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   When I say shit went left real quick that would be an understatement. Just by the look on Larry face I knew she showed up. So what did I do? Glad you asked I carried my big happy pregnant ass outside. She was not going to put her nasty trifling ass in my car. I didn't care what Larry, Rachel, or anyone had to say about it. I gotta say baby girl thought she was tough. But she quickly found out who she was actually fucking with real quick. Especially when the cat was let out of the bag about me and Larry. The look on her face was priceless. Of course he tried to save the smut. She lucky no one felt like going to jail that day.

  After that who ordeal, everything ended on a positive note. My baby daddy was being fake mad, yelling about how I'm pregnant and blah blah blah. I didn't fight the stupid hoe, just cussed her out. I did get me some dick though. I have to give it to him, he really was acting like he wasn't going to give me none. Ladies you know how it is when they are trying to be stingy with the goods. I took it, he fought me for a minute, but once I slid on that monster it was all over. Daddy gave me the business, not too much to hurt my babies just enough to satisfy me. I am not afraid to say he put my ass out, had me waddling for real. It was well worth it in the end. He did make good on his promise to take me away for a week.

The island was beautiful, I didn't want to leave. I knew I had to get back and finish getting things ready and set up for my munchkins. Hanging up their clothes, it still blew my mind that it was two of them in there. At first I was denial, God was playing a trick on me. That was up until I went to the doctor and she confirmed it. I was still trying to figure out how because no one I knew in my family had them. When I finally asked my mom about it she broke it down to me that my great grandmother had a set of twins but one of them died during birth.



"Come in"

Standing in the door smashing a sandwich and some chips, I started to slap it out his hands. But he was lucky I just cleaned the carpet. Staring at him I couldn't help but admire his dick print.

"Yo, stop staring at my dick. You didn't get enough"

Sticking my tongue out I went back to putting the clothes away.

"How the hell you gonna come up here with food and not bring any for me? And if you drop any crumbs I'm fucking you up"

"First of all you ain't gone do shit. Second, I thought you were sleep"

"How you think I was sleep?"

"Because I didn't hear any movement up here"

"So you just assumed?"

"No I guessed"

"That's why I don't like you"

"Whatever. What you got going on up here?"

"Putting clothes away. Want to help?"

"Yea, I got you. I will grab my sons stuff"


Taking another bite, he washed his hands and started folding clothes.

"It's starting to look good in here"

"Yea, I'm excited and nervous"

"You are?"

"Yea, you not?"

"Honestly no, this is something I have been waiting for since my ex wife lost our children"


"She was pregnant three times and lost them. One still born two miscarriages. I honestly think she got an abortion with one. Just was never able to prove it"

Looking at the sadness in his eyes broke my heart. I never lost a child but to lose multiple, I could only imagine the pain he was feeling. Sitting the little hanger on the dresser I went over and hugged him.

"I'm so sorry you had to go through that"

"It's ok baby. Things happen for a reason. I guess it wasn't my time to be a father"

"That may be true but still, it doesn't make it hurt any less"

"Well the fact that you are blessing me with these two makes me the happiest man out here"

"Good, So remember this when it's diaper changing time and when they have shit all up they back"

"I'm pretty sure you're going to remind me"


Kissing my belly I went back over to the closest to finish hanging up the clothes. Not before I snatched the rest of the sandwich he had.

"I knew yo ass was going to take it"

"Well, you should have brought me one"

Laughing and talking shit with him we actually finished up putting the clothes away. Looking at everything we were pretty much ready. Thanks to family and friends we had more than enough stuff.

"Mommy can't wait to meet you guys. Just do me a favor, son don't end up like your big head daddy"

"I heard that"

Giggling to myself, I thought that fool went downstairs. Clearly someone was listening in our conversation. Shutting off the light, this mama was ready to call it a night. Walking into the room, I was still getting used to living with a man. We decided that we were going to focus on the babies and everything else will just fall into place. Until the babies are born, he moved in with me so he would not have to travel between my house and his.

It's not bad though he is actually more of a neat freak than me. We not gone talk about shoes, when I looked inside his closet I couldn't believe all the shoes. From dress shoes, to jordans, to timberland boots. All kinds of shit. I gave him the second bedroom closet to put all his shoes in. Pulling out my night clothes, I heard my phone ringing on the bed I figured it was somebody calling to bother me. Heading into the bathroom I turned my music on and got ready for my shower.

After cleaning my body, I washed my face and was ready for my bed. Opening the door I saw Larry sitting on the bed but he was drinking out the Henny bottle.

"Umm, you ok?"

"I'm going to ask you something and please don't lie to me"


Getting off the bed he took a swig and sat the bottle down. Making his way over to me I was starting to get nervous. I knew he didn't hit women but it didn't stop the butterflies from forming in my stomach. Stopping a few feet away, he stared me right in the eyes.

"Have you slept with K.C?"

The moment he said those words I knew I had to come clean. It wasn't like I knew he was Rachel's husband at the time. I just didn't know how to tell her. Taking a deep breath it was now or never.


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