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One Year Later……………….



Getting up off the floor, I had to brace myself. Looking at my face in the mirror, I swear I looked like death. I have spent my whole fucking day in this bathroom. I am so thankful that Rachel has her own bathroom in her office.



"Rae? Are you ok?"

"Yea, I'm good"

Grabbing a paper towel I drenched it with cold water. Cleaning myself up, I was trying to think of what I ate to mess my stomach up like this. After somewhat gathering myself, I walked back in her office feeling like I was going to pass out.

"Rae, you look like shit. What's wrong with you?"

"Thanks Rachel. Hell I don't know"

"You  sure yo ass ain't pregnant?"

"I am not pregnant ma'am"


Flicking her off I knew I wasn't pregnant. Hell you got fuck to get pregnant. At this moment ain't no fucking going on, at least not with me. You got to have a man to fuck, but that's a topic for a different day.

"Have you taken a test?"

"Umm, no"

"I think you should"

"Well thank God nobody pays you to thi……"

Running back to the bathroom this shit was for the birds. I guess Rachel got tired of me hogging her bathroom so she called my bestfriend Mi-Mi to bring me home. Of course she jumped on the pregnancy bandwagon to. I was ready to beat all of them. I would've if I wasn't feeling horrible. Pulling in my driveway I couldn't wait to get my bed.

"Rae, you sure you don't want me to stay?"

"No, I'm good sis. I just want to take a shower and sleep"

"Well I'm going to check on you later"

"Ok sis, thanks"

"Your welcome. Feel better"

Walking in the house, I headed straight upstairs. Peeling off my clothes, I just stood under the water and let relax my body. Picking up my shower gloves, I slowly washed my body. Getting the most important spots, I rinsed my body off. Wrapping my big terry cloth towel around myself, I took some ibuprofen because I was starting to get a headache. Crawling in my bed, I put my phone on Do Not Disturb.




  Trying to open my eyes was a task. They felt really heavy, like bricks was on them. Adjusting to the light I looked around realizing that I was in the hospital.

"What the fuck?"

Doing my best to sit up, I light headed all over again. Pushing the call button on the side of the bed, somebody was going to tell me what happened.

"Well Hello there. You gave us quite a scare"

"What? What are you talking about?"

Before he could answer my question Sierra, Monica, Mel, Denise, Tasha, Jazz and Rachel came bursting in like a damn S.W.A.T team. Like always they asses was loud and over dramatic.

"Ma'am what the hell is wrong with you?"

"I knew I should have stayed with you"

"So, what's the problem?"

"Who did it?"

"Yo, ass having a dick withdrawal?"

Shaking my head, I was starting to curse my own damn self. These crazy ass fools didn't even realize the damn doctor standing there.

"I'm going to need y'all to calm the fuck down. Greatly appreciate it. I'm sorry about that doctor"

"It's ok. At least they care about you"

"Now, ladies if you don't mind stepping out so we can examine her"

After the doctor checked my vitals he let the girls come back in. I was starting to get tired but more importantly hungry.

"Hey Dr Thomas, can I have something to eat? I'm hungry and need some food"

"You can have some broth and maybe a sandwich"

"We gone have to do something better than that"

"Well, tell that to your body"

Closing the door behind, everyone was looking at me like I was crazy. 

"What? Why are y'all looking at me like that?"

"How are you feeling? What the doctor say?"

"I'm hungry ready to go. How did I get here? Last I checked I was in my bed"

"That's because I came over to the house to check on you. But you wouldn't answer the door, so I called Mel, and she came over. We found you in the bed but you wouldn't wake up"

Seeing the tears fall down Rachel face, made me cry. Reaching my arms out, she came over and gave me a hug.

"I was so scared"

"We all were"

"I'm sorry yall. I love you all"

"We love yo mean ass to. Now what the doctor say?"

Closing my eyes I knew these heifers was about to get all our asses kicked out.

"Well, he said that I was very dehydrated and……"



"Come in"

"Like I was saying, he said that…….Larry?"

"Hey Rae"...............

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