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    I couldn't wait until this shit hit the fan. I was sick and tired of people walking around like their shit don't stink. Now with that, I don't have a problem with Larry. Hell I think he's very attractive, I wouldn't mind taking that for a ride. Quite frankly I don't have a problem with Raven either. They're just a casualty.

Me: We need to talk



K.C: About?



Bitch: What do you want?

Me: About us

Me: Well hello to you to



K.C: Ain't no us. I'm good

Me: But I miss you

Bitch: What do you want?. I have more important things to do

Me: What you need to be doing is trying to figure out who your husband is fucking now?

K.C: Stop talking to me before I hurt your fucking feelings. I don't want your clingy ass never have never will. If you keep it up my bitch will talk for me.

Feeling like he stabbed me in the heart I knew the truth had to come out.



Bitch: My husband is fucking me

Bursting into a fit of laughter, I damn near knocked my drink over. This bitch was really trying me.

Me: Now we both know that's a lie

Bitch: You don't know shit.

Bitch: Better yet, leave me alone.

For someone who's world is about to turn upside down. They were being very rude. I'm just trying to be a good samaritan and let her know about her husband.



J: I told him

Me: What he say?



J: That he will take care of it.

Smirking to myself, I know this wasn't the greatest way for a person to find out about their partner. But what about my feelings? What about my embarrassment? I guess no one cared about that.

Me: I'm just trying to put you up on game.

Bitch: Ain't nothing you can tell me about MY husband that I don't already know. Now like I said. I got shit to do.

I can't even lie I was highly impressed with her comeback. To bad I was about to knock her down a couple notches.

Me: So you know about this right?

*Picture message*

Sending the few pictures I had, it was going to be a matter of time before the bomb went off.



Bitch: Why are you doing this?

Bitch: This ain't real

Shaking my head, she really couldn't be this slow. Like I wouldn't be asking if it's real. I would be pulling up to somebody's house whooping ass.

Me: I'm not doing nothing and it's definitely real boo boo.



Bitch: What do you want? What's your purpose in doing this?

Me: You asking all the wrong questions. Let's be honest y'all only together for the kids. He fucking other bitches and been fucking them. I see you been having your fun too.

Bitch: Fuck you and leave my family alone.

Me: Already did that. 

Walking through the house, I made sure all the lights were turned off. I know what you're probably thinking. Why would I go through all of this to hurt someone? Simple karma's a bitch and she was coming for Rachel. Getting comfy in my bed, I was debating on if I wanted to start phase two. Just with the info I put out it was enough for now. Picking up my remote I decided to find me something on Amazon prime to watch.



Sis: hey boo, wyd?

Me: Shit, chilling what's going on?

Sis: I'm surprised you not going out tonight

Me: Nah, I'm in the house. What you and Al got going on?

Sis: Not a mutha fucking thing. He went out with K.C ass

Me: boys night huh? You better make sure his bad habits don't rub off on Al

Sis: You better stop it. Alex know better.




"Hey bestfriend"

"Really Serenity? This is what we're doing? Ruining families"

"Girl your family been ruined"

"How did you get the pictures Serenity?"

"Wrong question to be asking. Don't you want to know why yo assistant is fucking your husband? I mean I would want to know"

"They are not fucking"

"How you know?"

"Raven wouldn't do that. She's not like you"

"Ouch, that almost hurt"

"Stay away from my husband and family"


Looking at the phone, this bitch really hung up on me.

Me: Let's go out.



Sis: Ok, you drive

Me: Cool

Hopping out the bed, phase two was going to start as soon as I stepped on the scene.

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