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   Watching Larry rush out of here, I was starting to think if Mr Brent made the wrong choice. Don't get me wrong, I love Larry to death but I don't feel like he's ready to be president. Making a mental note to reach out to Mr Brent about the issue. After calling everyone back in we continued on with the meeting.

"Ok, so we have a deadline to have everything done in three weeks"

"Rachel, Can you resend out the memo that Larry sent out on Monday?"

"Yea, I didn't get a chance to ask Larry before he left"

"I just sent it to you Kelly. Did you guys have any other questions?"

"No, you did great"

Packing up I checked the time and saw that I still had some time to kill before I had to pick up the boys. I would have called K.C but he has not returned my calls. I haven't talked to him since the other night. The boys did say that he came up there to have lunch with them.



Feeling my phone going off, I stopped by Stephanie's desk to pick up some files. Closing my office door behind me, I grabbed me a water and sat on the couch. Pulling out my phone I had a message from him.

Unknown: What's up?

Smiling to myself I don't what it was about him that made all giddy.

Me: Hey you. Wyd?

Unknown: Sitting here waiting for my business partner to get here. What's up with you?"

Me: Just got out of a meeting myself. Hey I have a question for you. Need some advice"

Unknown: Talk to me

Getting comfortable on the couch I let him know what I was thinking. As well as get his intake on the situation.



Unknown: And this the dude that got your assistant pregnant right?

Me: Yea

Unknown: Yea, that nigga need to get his shit together. You talk to your girl to find out what's going on?

Me: No, I haven't talked to her.



"Hey Rachel, I know Larry told me to forward all his calls. But I have Mr Watson on the phone wanting to talk about the Auburn account. Would you be able to take the call?"

"Yea, Janet. Give me two minutes"

"Ok cool"

"Oh Janet, any calls for Larry regarding any of the accounts send them to me"


"You heard me"

"Umm, you are not going to get me fired"

"You are not going to get fired. I got you"

  Giving me a skeptical look, she left out send me the call. I know I shouldn't be going behind Larry's back. In hindsight at least he would have more time to deal with Raven and the babies. Getting myself together I got ready to take the call.


Pulling into the driveway, I took his advice and came to talk to Rae. Checking to make sure I saw a light on. I made a dash to the door since it was pouring down raining outside.



"Who is it?"

"It's Rachel, open up"

Waiting for her to open up the door, she was probably sleeping or eating. Opening up the door I hurried inside.

"Omg!!, it's raining like crazy. I need a vent session. It has been a rough day and of course I have to tell you about my asshole of a hus…. Rae what's wrong?"

Turning around and looking at her face. She was staring out into space with tears running down. Rushing over to hug her, I instantly thought something to Larry or with Larry.

"Come on. What happened? Did Larry do something? Where he at?"

Leading her back over to the couch she broke down uncontrollably.

"Raven you're scaring me. Talk to me"

Rocking her back and forth, I put my hand on her belly to make sure I felt movement from the babies.

"Okay, I need you to try and calm down and relax. You don't want to stress the babies"

"I'm trying not to but it's so hard"

"Do you want me to call Larry?"

"I tried he won't answer"

"I got you"

Grabbing my phone out of my purse, I ignored K.C and called Larry ass.



"I know this fool see me calling"

Me: Answer the damn phone!!!!

Calling him on facetime, he was going to make me cuss his ass out.



Sitting back next to Rae, I continued to blow his phone up.



"What's up Rachel?"

"Don't What's up Rachel me. Where the fuck you at?"

"Why? What's up?"

"Your fucking girlfriend"

"Aye G, who is that?"

"Don't worry about it. You need to get your ass here now"

Showing him a crying Raven, his demeanor instantly changed.

"Raven baby what's wrong? Look at me baby"

Slightly showing him her face, it was breaking my heart to see like this. Especially not knowing what was going on.

"Talk to me baby. Tell me so I can make it better"

"Baby he's gone!!!!!!!"

Letting out the guy wrenching cry made me tear up.

"Fuck!!!! Ok baby. I'm on my way baby. I'm so sorry. I'm coming home baby"

Watching him jump in the car, I knew he was about to break every damn speed limit on the interstate. Sitting my phone down I just hugged her and tried my best to calm her down until he got here. Guess me finding out what's going on with them will have to wait………...

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