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  When we found Raven in her bed, we just thought she was sleeping. After calling her name and nudging her we realized she needed a doctor ASAP. Not going to lie that was the scariest shit I've ever seen. I just knew my friend was dead.

"Hey Rach, everything ok?"

Seeing K.C coming up the hallway did make me feel a little better. We decided to go to counseling to help get our marriage back on track. I still didn't trust him as much as I would like to, but we're taking baby steps.

"What's up baby? How Raven doing?"

"Hey baby, she's better"

"Ok, that's good. Did they say what happened?"

"Yea, she was just really dehydrated so of course they had to pump her with fluids"

"Damn, that's crazy"

"Oh, and apparently she's pregnant"

"Oh word?"


Nodding His head, it seemed like his mood had changed. It wasn't in a negative way, more so happy.

"Can people go see her?"

"Yea, but she wanted some alone time with Larry"

"Oh ok, well I will just send her some flowers or something"

"That would be a good idea"

"You ready to go?"

"Yea, I'm ready to see my babies. I'm going to go say goodbye first"

Taking his hand, I grabbed my things and made my way to her room.




Peeking my head in she looked exhausted. Port baby looked like she has not been getting any rest at all. Made me think of when I was pregnant with the twins. They took almost all the energy out of me. Getting up out of bed, Larry came and met me at the door.

"What's up Rachel?"

"Nothing, I was just coming to tell her bye"

"Oh ok, I will tell her you left"

"Ok cool, I will come see her tomorrow. Are you staying with her?"

"Yea, I'm going to stay the night but I have a meeting that couldn't be changed. So once I'm done with that I will be here until they discharge her"

"Sounds good. Did you talk to her?"

"Yea, we…. What's up K.C?"

"What's going on? How's our little Raven doing?"

"She's good. She resting, I will tell her you asked about her"

"Cool, I heard we having a baby. Congrats, hope the baby looks like it's mother"

"Hmm, yea thanks. This will be our first baby together. But I'm going to get back in here before she start looking for me. Rachel I will see you tomorrow?"


Giving Larry a hug, we left out to go get my babies….


After kissing my boys and tucking them in, I pulled the door up and decided to grab me a glass of wine. Making my way downstairs I didn't see K.C in the room. Pouring me a glass of my favorite Chardonnay, I walked and saw his office door light on.




Opening the door he was working as usual. Papers across the desk, both laptop and desk computer. Staring at him from the door, that's one thing that has always attracted me to my husband. He has one of the most brilliant minds when it comes to business.

"What's up Rachel?"

"Nothing, I saw your office light on. Thought you may have fell asleep in here again"

"Oh nah, just finishing up some things"

"What are you working on?"

"Just getting ready for this shipment to go out. Did the boys go down easy?"

"Ky'Moni went down without a problem. Now Ka'Mari was a different story"

"That sounds about right. It's funny because Moni always give me hell"

"That's because he is his father's child"

"So you say, how you like being Senior VP?"

"I love it actually, I mean it has its moments but it's good"

"That's what's up. What about working with your boy?"

"What you mean?"

"Like, how is it working with each other? He don't be trying to pull rank does he?"

"Oh no, we work well together. No problems, why you ask?

"Just making he wasn't letting the position get to his head"

"No we're good"

Nodding his head he went back to typing away on his computer.

"You should come take a shower with me"

Giving me a side eye, I knew he was surprised by my gesture, but I meant it.

"You want me to come take a shower with you?"

"Yes, I want my husband to shower with me"

Leaning back in his chair he folded his arms and thought about it.

"Alright, let me send this email"


Sitting on the couch I sipped my wine, and checked a few emails myself. After another thirty minutes or so he shut down his computer and laptop. Leaning on the edge of his desk, I could see him watching me.

"You ready?"

"Yeah, let's go"

Reaching out his hand, I stood up and we made our way upstairs to get ready for bed.

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