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   Stepping on the elevator, I was ready for a new journey. The sun was shining, your boy was looking and smelling good. Plus, I spent the weekend trying to put a baby in Raven. Smirking to myself I made a mental note to pray to the man upstairs for that. Fixing my tie I kissed the chain my grandfather gave me and made my way to Mr Brent. Stopping by my old office I saw security putting my things in a box.

"Woah!!! What's going on here?"

"Good Morning Mr James, We were told to come down and move your things"

"Told by who?"

"Hold on Larry. I got it guys keep doing what you're doing" 

"Keep doing what you're doing? What do you mean? What is going on?"

 Pulling me to the side I was about ten seconds from losing my shit. I have always hated when people touched my shit. 

"Hey, I need you to calm down"

"Calm down? The fuck is going on?" 

"Mr Brent had security come and move our things for us. Trust me I felt the same way when I came in"

 Feeling some relief, I still wasn't a big fan of them moving my stuff. Since Mr. Brent told them to, I was going to let it slide. 

"Where is he?"

"In the conference room. We were waiting on you to get here"

"Okay cool, let me go grab my laptop and briefcase"

 Walking back in my office I picked up my things and headed back out. Catching up to Rachel I saw Raven going into the breakroom. I started to go to her but I will just see her later.

"You ready?"

"Yea, let's go"

"So, did you party this weekend?" 

"Naw, I chilled. Kicked it with my family. Nothing to big. What about you? Did you and umm K.C do anything?"

"Uhh, no actually. I spent time with my boys" 

"Oh ok, that's cool. How old are they?"

"Four going on forty five" 

 Seeing her beam with pride about her boys made me smile. Everytime she told a story her face light up with joy. Which honestly how it's supposed to be. I don't know what the fuck is wrong the world now days. Females killing their kids over niggas or these lame ass pussy niggas killing innocent children. Shit pisses me off every time I see the shit on the news. My thing is if you don't want the kids then get a fucking adoption or something. Bringing myself I back to reality we were walking into the conference room. 

"Goodmorning Mr Brent. I apologize I'm late"

"Ahh, there's my new president. No need for apologies. This meeting was just put together"


 Taking a seat next to him, I started pulling out my laptop and notepad.

 "So, I called this meeting because as you all know I am officially retiring. With that being said you'll be reporting directly to Larry from now on. If you can't get to him then you will be reporting to Rachel. Rachel and Larry you guys have full control now. I know the both of you will make me. Larry, Rachel has the clients that we still need to finalize on" 

 Sitting here listening to him basically pass the torch was surreal to me. At the same time I was ready. 

"That's it for now. Larry I need you to hang back for a minute"


 Packing up my things he said goodbye to the other associates and board members. Patiently waiting, I checked and replied to some emails.

"Follow me Larry" 

 Making our way around the office, he enlightened me about different things that I would need to know. As well as what all responsibilities I have now been bestowed upon me. Walking inside his office I noticed his things were gone. Probably had security pack his stuff up to.

"I see you got everything cleaned out sir" 

"Yea, had to make some room" 

"Make some room for what sir?"

"The new President" 

 At that point I realized all my things were here in the office. I didn't even notice my name plate on the door let alone the desk. 

"Mr Brent are you serious?"

"Yes son. You have earned it. I know you will make me proud. Now if you have any questions about different things I'm still a phone call away. I will have my daughter pop in from time to time to make sure you don't need anything" 

 Shaking his hand, we talked a little more then he left. Standing over the window looking out over the other buildings, the view was amazing. Going over to my new desk, I took a moment to thank the man upstairs and got to work.




"Come in" 

"Hey Larry. I mean Mr Dunlap" 

"Hey, Janet what's going on?" 

"I was coming to see if the position to be your assistant was still open" 

"Umm, yea it is. You looking to fill that position" 


 Sitting back in my chair, I forgot that I had to start interviewing people for the assistant job. 

"Ok, well send me an email with your resume and I will be in touch" 

"Ok, thank you. No problem" 



"Yea, come in" 

"Hey Larry, Rachel is looking for you" 

 Peeking her head in, I couldn't help but to admire her beauty. Just the light make up she had on, made her stand out even more. Noticing Janet still standing there I had to get her to get her out so I could talk to my baby. 

"Janet was anything else you needed?" 

"Umm, no sir" 

"Ok, hey Raven can you come take a look at something for me?" 

"Uh sure, will it be quick? I'm actually working on something with Rachel"

"Oh, well stop by my office before you leave" 

"You go it"

 Giving me a warm smile, she quietly closed my door. Looking at the picture of my grandparents I missed them terribly. I knew I had to go see them and soon. Stretching my body, I got back to work. After speaking with potential new clients and checking in with Rachel it was late.



"Hey Raven, what you still doing here? I thought you left"

"I did. But then I realized it was late and a certain president was still here. So I came to take him home"
 Wrapping her arms around my neck, I held her body tight. Her energy felt right, she felt right. Giving me the sweetest kiss, we just stood there in each other's arms. Her vibe matching mine. 

"Sounds like a plan to me. I do have a question though. You know I drove my own car right?"

"Yea, and?"

"How are you going to take me home?"

"Just follow me"

 Letting me go she walked away towards the door with a look that I was staring to know all too well. 

"You coming?"..................

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