Part 34

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  • Dedicated to My bestfriend Alyssa and her little brother. I love you guys!!!!

Thanks for all the support and encouragement not to quit my story. Love ya'll


"Oh. My. God." I was in shock. "What's the matter, Sophie? Surprised to see me?"

She had this dark smirk on her face. Her green eyes almost covered by her choppy brown bangs. I tried to compose myself and play it cool.

"No. Not at all. In fact, I'm soo glad you came Mel."

I said wrapping my arms around her neck. I could tell how uncomfortable I was making her, so I let go.

"Would you like to come in?"

I held my arm out, welcoming her in. She backed away.

"No. No. I'm good. I'll just talk to you later." She then turned and ranback down towards the elevator.

Justin came out of the bathroom. "Hey, sis." I couldn't help it.

Having people believe my husband was my sister was just too funny.

He scowled at me. "I don't even look like a girl right now."

There was another knock at the door and he ran back into the bathroom. "Room inspection!"

I hear the same woman from earlier scream. I ran over and let her in. "Where's your sister, Harlander?"

I looked toward the bathroom. "Justine is in the bathrom." I tried soo hard not to laugh while saying his/her name.

Just then he/she came out of the bathroom wearing the same outfit from earlier.

"Well, everything seems to be in order." The woman gave Justine a strange look but just walked out the door. Justin threw the wig back on the floor. "Well, that was a waste of my time."

He said, laying back down on the bed. I started to laugh.

"Was that Melonie earlier?" he asked me pulling the skirt off, into his boxers.

"Yeah. Don't know what she wanted though." He nodded and I started laughing.

He looked at me, curious. "What may I ask is soo funny?" I lay back down beside him, still laughing.

"Your boxers have purple hearts on them!" He continued to scowl at me. "So? Their pimpin'."

I laughed and laid my head on his chest. "I wanna go home." He kissed my forehead.

"We'll be home soon, baby." Just then Justin's cell phone went off. I watched him read the text and then stand up. "What's wrong?" He started throwing things in his suitcase. "Were going home."

I smiled and started packing my own stuff.

A few minutes later, I heard a knock at our door and Pattie walk in.

"Ready to go ,guys?" She smiled and we nodded excitedly. We started walking out the door, suitcases in hand, when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Where are you going?" Melonie was pulling me back around to face her. "Home."

She looked angry but her eyes pleading. "Please take me with you!!!" I was surprised at her tone.

I told Justin and Pattie to wait for me as I walked over with Melonie to her room. She sat me down on my bed and she sat quietly, waiting for me to somehow start the conversation.

"Why are you even here?" She looked down at her shoes and then back up at me.

"That Tiffany chic. She told mom I was after Justin and then mom gave me this big lecture about how we hould stay humble to your siblings and then she said 'Until you can control yourself, your going away'."

I gave her a forgiving smile and then told her to come with us. We ran back out to where Justin and Pattie waited and then we walked over to the elevator.

"No. I'm not going in there." Justin was breathing heavily and I could tell he was nerveous.

"Pattie, you and Mel go on. I'll go with Justin down the stairs."

She nodded and walked into the elevator with my sister. Justin gabbed my hand tightly and opened the heavy metal door that lead to the stairs.

"Are you okay?" He stopped walking and looked at me. "Not really. I hate elevators." I nodded and then kissed his cheek. "It'll be fine, Justin. Let's just go."

He laughed shyly and then started running down the stairs. I was almost being dragged but I somehow managed to keep up.

After about 15 minutes of running down 6 flights of stairs, we made it to the ground floor. Pattie was already heading out the door, Melonie not far behind.

Justin pulled me out the door and into Pattie's car. Wow!! That was alot easier than I expected.

"Where are we going?" I asked, wondering if we were allowed back at the house Justin and I owned.

"Another state. Anywhere to get away from your mom." Justin still had my hand as Pattie drove. "What state?" He thought for a second. "We could go stay with Chaz. He lives in Cali."

Chaz's place? I rolled my eyes but then nodded. "Ok. I guess it's better than nothing."

He picked up his phone and then texted Chaz. I leaned my head on his shoulder and started crying.

"What's wrong, Sophie?" Pattie noticed my sadness in her rearview mirror.

"It's nothing, Pattie. I'm fine." At first, I didn't actually know what was wrong with me but, then I realized it. I pulled Justin's ear down to mine and whispered,

"I left my medication at our house." I felt his eyes widen and then then he yelled.

"Mom, turn around. We have to go back to our house NOW." Pattie stopped the car but just sat there.

"Justin, we're already halfway to the airport. Your house is over 2 hours away."

She looked worried but also determined. "Mom, please? We have to!!!"

She sighed but then said, "Fine, but make it quick." Justin nodded and Pattie drove back to our house.

I ran inside, grabbed my depression pills, but then ran upstairs.

I practically jumped over the bed and grabbed our wedding picture before leaving back to the airport.


Sorry it took soo long for me to finally post. I won't be posting anytime this weekend because I will be at AlyssaJade's house and then Never say Never on saturday and hopefully church with her on Sunday!!!!! Hope u like it!! Sorry if it sucks!!!! Part 35 soon!!!! Vote or Comment!!!!!! ?!?!Alice Faye?!?!?

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